Testimonials Feel-Goods

“That guy is pretty cool”

Probably someone

“Oh my gosh I looove that guy”

Someone else, probably

Ok but sometimes people give me compliments for real. Or rather… the bull-shish I make up.

‘You’re a pretty interesting individual I’ve been on this Earth for quite some time, you start to recognize these sorts of things’

Russian Professor from Colorado

‘Well, you’re pretty easy to work with. I liked working with you. You work hard and listen. Take those skills with you, you’ll go far. It might not feel like it, but it’s going to pay off in the end’

D1 Coach J

‘I learned a surprising amount from you, I’ll be incredibly sad to see you go. Most people your age don’t care or are just out to party and mess around. I respect your opinion, and I’m glad we got the change to work together’

Some dude working in government for 11 years
Some girl I worked with

“In reality we really met in person for like a day or two but I can’t really describe the bond we created. With that said, I would like to invite you both to my wedding end of May!! It would be absolutely wonderful if you could make it”

Some other girl from I met in Spain
25 yr old coworker from Alabama

“Yea you pretty much are my therapist”

Some 39 year old Brazilian chick

“And I’m not tryna bullshit here, dude. Your perceptiveness is honestly… it’s incredible. It’s something I wish I had. I am envious. It’s something I struggle with so hard and you just seem to have it… naturally”

Some 32 yr old Norse Pagan

“Respectfully, dude, can you fuck off?”

Probably most people

“You are unbelievably annoying”

Definitely my siblings

“I cannot stand you, grow up”

Some girl from 7th grade

“Why aren’t you funny”

My coworker

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