Tag: Weekly Wonderings

  • Week 14 Wanderings (1-31-2023)

    This Week’s Adventures This weekend was fairly laid back. We didn’t go anywhere, but Roomie Rex had his buddy Albert from back home drive out. The vehicle in question? A 16-passenger Dodge mama jama. Albert scooped it from Texas and drove out, so now the plan is for Rex to do one of those van…

  • Week 13 Wanderings (1-23-2023)

    (1-24-2023) This Week’s Adventures Dude this week? Oh gosh, it was awesome. 3-day weekend. 72 hours. Friday morning I was so excited. The adventure? Absolutely nothing. I didn’t do anything! It was glorious. For the past month, I feel like my weekends have dissolved before my eyes. Don’t get me wrong, they were fun adventures.…

  • Week 12 Wanderings (1-17-2023)

    This Week’s Adventures Chattanooga baby!! Did not end up sleeping on the side of the highway like the adventures from 2 weeks ago. No, sir. This weekend we slept on a grassy field next to a truck stop. Luxury. Yeah, you heard me. A grassy field. Those cement lots where all the truck drivers park?…

  • Week 11 Wanderings (1-9-2023)

    This Week’s Adventures Sand Rock, AL. Rock Climbing. Some sport climbing. Some trad climbing. The hardest trad climbing that I’ve done. Trad climbing is when you put your own metal pieces in the rock, which are the things that catch you if you fall. If you place incorrectly or can’t attach your rope quickly enough…

  • Week 10 Wanderings (1-4-2023)

    Damn. The first week of the New Year. This Week’s Adventures Well shit. It’s already 2023. I’m sending this out a bit later because life’s been such a whirlwind lately. That’s the tricky part about vacations is that they are so short and come so infrequently that you feel obligated to make the most of…

  • Week 8 Wanderings (12-21-22)

    This Week’s Adventures This week’s adventure was slightly different. Ok, well not different per se, but different. This weekend was different in how I felt. This adventure made me feel something that I haven’t in quite some time: Fear. Gut-wrenching, knee-jerking, breath-taking fear. Ok ok, I’m being a bit dramatic, but nonetheless, I was just…

  • Week 6 Wanderings (12-11-22)

    This Weeks Adventures Seth’s (my roommate’s) girlfriend came out for the weekend from Houston, TX. Like most weekends where Seth does not plan out the weekend for the other 3 of us roommates, Collin, Rex, and I spent almost all of our time at the house. On Saturday, per Seth’s request, all five of us…

  • Week 5 Wanderings (12-4-22)

    This Weeks Adventures This week was a goodie. Business as usual during the weekdays. Nothing major of note. Work was a bit dry, but hey, what’s new? Nah, the real excitement came from the weekend. Saturday, Sabado as my Spanish speakers call it, had something juicy in store this week. 2 weeks ago I bought…

  • Week 4 Wanderings (11-27-22)

    This Weeks Adventures Every time you make a choice you actively choose to set aside the other choice. It’s one of the greatest pains about having so many good options in life. I felt this over Thanksgiving this year – Unfortunately, you can only be at one place at one time. Allotted only a few…