Tag: Weekly Wonderings

  • Week 25 Wanderings (4-21-2023)

    This Weeks Adventures Ok this weekend was actually kinda sick. First real multi-pitch rock climb. Living in Vegas now, so I’m kind of spoiled in terms of climbing – The rock climbing is kickass and I’ve got a roommate that’s super in to it… So I’ve been getting sucked in and I’ve kind of excited.…

  • Week 24 Wanderings (4-13-23)

    This Week’s Adventures Easter, baby. Time with family – I went home this past weekend, but it’s weird. Home doesn’t really feel like home anymore, though. Most of my friends weren’t even home and at that point, it’s just… a city. It really made me realize that home really is where your friends and family…

  • Week 23 Wanderings (4-5-23)

    This Week’s Reflections Ok new plan with the Weekly Reflections. If my weekend ventures were noteworthy, I’ll include a quick synopsis and maybe some pictures. If I don’t feel like it, there is no pressure and I won’t. You choose how you spend your time, right? This past week I was super lucky and was…

  • Week 21 Wanderings (3-24-2023)

    (3-24-23) This Week’s Reflections This week I realized something: I really don’t enjoy writing “Weekly Adventures” It’s genuinely not fun for me. It feels monotonous. I realize that I really do not enjoy the repetitious account of events. Reminds me of a day when I was in Peru and had to figure out the budget,…

  • Week 20 Wanderings (3-15-2023)

    (3- 13-23) This Week’s Adventures Ok ok. Happy March! As you’ll note, I missed last week’s Newsletter. Wow, life has been a lot recently. Big update – I moved to Las Vegas! Sin City, woop woop. Not the ideal place to live, right? Possibly. But I’m also starting to realize that a city as big…

  • Week 19 Wanderings (3-6-2023)

    (2-28-2023) This Week’s Adventures ‘This week’s adventures’ part of the newsletter may have to change 🙁 … At least for now. I find, left to my own devices, find planning an adventure – Not fun at all. The Trap house has since been disbanded (not in a bad way, we just all finished school and…

  • Week 17 Wanderings (2-24-2023)

    (2-23-2023) This Week’s Adventures Dude. I just drove from Mississippi to Nevada – 34 hours. Painful. But also enlightening. To be honest, I’ve always been quite the fan of extended road trips. They’ve always been…. peaceful. Introspective. They force you to slow down. You can’t drive any faster and you have to be, well, driving.…

  • Week 16 Wanderings (2-15-2023)

    (2-14-2023) This Week’s Adventures Ahh. Another chill weekend at the house – My favorite. Seth recently acquired a sewing machine and that dude has been grinding on his new backpack that he’s building from scratch. Rex’s van that he’s going to live out of is just about finished. It’s honestly pretty impressive. The van life…

  • Week 15 Wanderings (2-7-2023)

    2-7-2023 This Week’s Adventures The environment in our household has really opened my eyes to see just how much the people around you impact you. Ever so slightly, but constantly, the people around you shift your life’s trajectory. For better or for worse it’s worth it to be conscious of. My roomies have inspired me…