Tag: Weekly Wonderings

  • Week 56 Wanderings (12-5-23)

    1 Sleep Tips2 Sleep Fun Fact3 Theories with Blind People4 Contradiction of Art Some Schleep Tips A Wild Sleep Statistic There’s ~24% increase in heart attacks the Monday that we lose an hour due to Daylight savings. Interestingly, there’s also ~21% decrease when we gain an hour. Source Thought Experiment Do blind people still close…

  • Week 54 Wanderings (11-20-23)

    One of the Best Poems I’ve Ever Heard So You Want to Be a Writer by Charles Bukowski K, well, not saying much because, well, I don’t really read poetry. Nonetheless, this poem was incredible. I stumbled across this one thanks to Lex Fridman and holy guacamole it’s a goodie. Fantastic Quote “The business of…

  • Week 52 Wanderings (11-6-2023)

    Language vs Emotion Coined by Julia West. Discovered in the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 The deeper I dive in to the nuances of the English language and just how powerful words are, the more I realize the importance of being specific. The same way in the book 1984, words like ‘Rebellion’ were banned to help…

  • Week 51 Wanderings (10-30-2023)

    Potentially Shocking Breakfast maybe isn’t the most important meal of the day :0 I’m curious if this is a common belief or really just a phrase that’s used. Regardless, I hope this article offers some insight. Full article written by The Guardian here Some Therapeutical Insight into Online Dating and Relationship Persistence Emma Chamberlain interviews…

  • Week 46 Wanderings (9-18-23)

    A Fun Fact There’s an estimated only 5-6 chemists that provide the entirety of world’s LSD supply. I don’t know if you know… but people like drugs. That’s a lot of drugs. That’s not a lot of drug makers Heard this originally from Mariana von Zeller, a journalist who learns about and explains the intricacies…

  • Life Update #1 Baby: 46 Weeks of Creation

    9/20/23 First Written: 22-Jun-2023 | Thu 15:14(Pics below) It’s been a while. Welcome. And thank you. It’s me. Colin Douglas. It’s been a little while. Buuuut… At some point or another, you impacted me. For real. Like in a good way. You’ve influenced me and my life, altering the course of it for the better.…

  • Week 31 Wanderings (6-10-23)

    Written: 5-30-23Published: Sometime in September ’23 Weekly Wanderings It’s been over a month since last Newsletter. Honestly just been so busy life-ing. Weekends have been packed and weekdays even packed-er. That’s the best kind of busy, right? Still trying to figure out a schedule that’ll work, now that I’m not working Night Shifts anymore (thank…

  • Week 27 Wanderings (5-3-23)

    This Weeks Adventures Life in Las Vegas with the New Roomie means new adventures. Ok, it’s one of the same Roomies as before, but now we live in Las Vegas and oh mama, the outdoors are plentiful. It’s pretty remarkable that world class rock climbing and mountain biking exist not 30 minutes away from a…

  • Week 26 Wanderings (4-27-23)

    This Week’s Realizations Apparently, you can just go up to Rando’s and ask them to hang out. My roommate and I have been indoctrinated into a new climbing group because some rando came up and asked to climb with him. News to me. I think I forget that other people are also looking for friends……