Tag: Mindset

  • #8 Don’t Be a Donkey

    I didn’t even like the guy. I’d gone to school with him for 2 years, and pretty much rendered every word that came out of his mouth as utter horse shit. He would start talking and immediately I’d zone out. A bit of a dick move, sure, but have you ever met someone that immediately…

  • #5 It SUCKS Getting Choked Out by Your Best Friend

    Written: 09-Nov-2022 | Wed 23:18 There are few things I’ve experienced in this life that make me feel like more of a bitch than being choked out by my best friend. Oh, and uh, yeah, that’s a bit awkward. For the record, it was from wrestling. Yeah, I got choked out… more than once. I’ve…

  • #4 Out of Love

    Written: 07-Nov-2022 | Mon 17:18 Published: 22-Nov-2022 3 Months Ago, I had a friend tell me she was trying to get in better shape. She told me she had been trying for quite some time, but regardless of how many calories were cut, how many runs she went on, she failed to see the progress…