“If it makes you nervous,
It’s probably worth it.
It’s your life that you’re making,
It ain’t big enough if it doesn’t scare the hell out of you.”Lily Meola, Daydreams song
‘Oftentimes many young people, especially males, spend years and years climbing a mountain only to look back years later and realize it was the wrong one’
Chris Williamson
- “Life without meaning is the breeding ground of despair”
- “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.“
- “Life’s like a misty mountain – you only know the first step in front of you”
- “You can only connect the results looking backward. Trust in karma, gut”
- “You can only sit on the beach and drink pina coladas for so long before you start to lose your mind. What do you want to do with yourself?”
Ikigai Pic
“Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habit.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”Lao Tzu
“Show me your habits, I’ll show you your future”
Mark Batterson
Colin Vid ~1 min
- Finding purpose – it’s your job and yours alone
- Spent the entirety of hs & college trying to open doors only to realize non of these jobs were what I wanted
- Gymnastics – wasn’t talented, felt running uphill. Wasn’t playing to my strengths and felt worthless
- Felt like an outsider, thought I saw things differently
- “There’s no place for me in society”
- Some people believe each person has a purpose – scissors cut or a pen to write…. idk if that’s true >> I do know people think differently and different personalities are good at different things
- It’s taken me 6 years of thrashing about before even getting a grip on who the hell I am – not perfect >> I wish society did a better job at articulating our natural strengths and putting us on a path – What are we uniquely good at?
- Psychology, Speech Patterns Photography >> Abstract
- Danger w personality tests – Confirmation bias or they put you in a box
- “Everyone is an exception to the rule”
- Only way to figure truly who you are is experimentation, observe yourself, what are you naturally good/bad at – Dunning Kruger we’re skewed – ask people
- Figure out what you’re uniquely good at – put yourself in positions to capitalize those talents
- How are you unique
- Everyone’s naturally good at some things
- Solve your problems and help others solve theirs
- Providing value is how you feel have a purpose, feel good, ironically also make money
- Misty Mountain –
“Don’t be the best be the only”
“Have to trust in something – your gut, karma, destiny” Jobs
Specific Problems + My Solutin
- Lost in HS –> Understand Your Mind & How u can uniquely provide value
- Purpose Robert Greene
- We feel best when we’re helping other people
- Idols give you insights to your values
- Making $ is just providing value > someone else. Million ways to
- Shoveling snow w Tristan. $100 in 2 hours
- Try as many things as possible, figure out what you like and are naturally good at, figure out a way to get those to make you money
- Put self in as many uncomfortable sish as poss – understand who tf you are
- Misty Mountain – Nobody has it ‘figured out’
- This page teaches you to do that
- Lost in Life –> I prefer think over do an work well w doers (gnaster/shane)
- This page
- Doing Enough? How do I not waste my Life? –> Enjoy my rate of progress no longer working into oblivion
- Ben Franklin progress
- If you’re earning your days, you’re doing enuf – SPI 588 energy game
- 5 min 5 reg dying
- Have to trust something – gymnastics wanted to work needed rest
- 1 min Chris Williamson response
- Feel Good Productivity –> Ali Abdaal YT
- 15 min high price we pay
- 4000 weeks
- die w zero
- Disgruntled Worker w No Direction –> work on passion project network w people i aspired to be proj arc
- If can work 8 hours someone else 1 hour yours Dan Koe
- Flipping furniture, flip cars, real estate? Podcast w rex, photography, website, writing… WRITING
- What don’t you want
- Passion Project -> Show Your Work
- Misty Mt – everyone has some creative inkling in mind
- Happy Hypoth
- 48 days work you love
- This page
- Purpose –> Revolutionize Education
James Clear >> Habits Pic 1.01^365
Problem with goals is winners and losers have the same ones
Questions 1-10
(most enjoyable way to make money and provide value – money is just providing value to someone else – 1M ways to do this. )
- Write down all the things interested in – What’re the things you’d do for the rest of your life (or if retired)
- Jobs – I ask myself “is this what I’d do if this was my last day on Earth? If the answer is ‘no’ for too many days in a row I know something needs to change”
- “Your idols give you insights to values”- Twitter – Patterns?
- If we haven’t sat down to articulate our values, game over, man. Life decisions, relationship partners, job choices… they’re all built on our values. We might change them over time, but without defining values we’re going through life blind. It’s a journey to discover what the hell we believe in. “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything”
- George Carlin, Patrice, Steve Jobs, Einstein, Malcom X
- – Steve Jobs (Apple) – An unwillingness to accept disbelief as an answer
– Alex Volkanovski (UFC Champ) – Class and courage
– Patrice O’Neal & Bill Hicks (comedians) – Raw authenticity - Aggregating our favorite parts from people that inspire us is how we create lives and days that bring us joy. It’s no use wishing we were Elon Musk if we aren’t willing to work the hellish 120 hour workweeks that he does.
- $ no option – Alan Watts
- Do, have, be – Tim Ferriss
- If couldn’t fail/no fear – Alex Hormozi
How to Make Wealth – Money is just providing someone value. 1,000,000 ways to do this. What’s a way you can enjoy doing this? - Perfect Day – TedTalk
- What’re those tiny voices in your head saying? – Robert Greene
- Jobs karma
- Values: How would you want your kids to act? > relationships, purpose and lifestyle
- When you’re on your deathbed, how will you want your life to have lived?
- Kids?
- Grandkids?
- Career?
- Creative Venture/Passion project 1 hour/day – Dan Koe
- 15 mins – bring you joy – deprived self under guise “too busy” BS
Robert Greene x Andrew Huberman
Book – The Alchemist
INTP – Read this.
My experience – Process is slow – Both the marble and the sculptor. Keep trying new shit and allowing self the freedom to explore – keep going
“It won’t happen overnight but if you don’t start it won’t happen at all”
Other Tips/Frames
- Don’t be the best be the only
- 0 min What are you uniquely good at?
- Your worldview is your greatest strength as well as your greatest weakness
- Didn’t want to socialize > hard to fit in and go to social functions. Took me awhile to be comfortable w that and use the time and personal interests to my advantage. I want to learn anything
- Introverts > Independence
- Creatives > Lost in the ideas
- Social > Lost in communal and opinions
- Independent > Isolated
- Goal oriented > tunnel vision
- Carefree > unfocused
- Stress free > no responsibilities
- Naval Jealousy – Forced me to look at my strengths rather than all the ways I didn’t fit in and all the things I wasn’t good at
- You don’t have to be the best – just different – Nobody has your exact combination of talents. Play to them
- “Our fulfillment is directly proportional to how well we understand ourselves”
- Rec Seek Discomfort
- Travel – more uncomfy & extreme positions, more you learn about self
- Try 1000 different things > Feed it what it likes
- Surround self w new ppl and ppl challenge you
- Help others
- Capitalism is forced altruism – How can you provide value
- Perfect Day
- Joy Journal
How to Make Wealth – Some ppl
“Don’t learn from experiences – learn from reflection on those experiences”
- Long walks & Journalling > “Not enough thoughts? Read. Too many? Write”
- Nietchze sometimes walked 8 hours
- Jobs did all his talks on long walks
- Lincoln take long reflective walks n horse rides
- Thoughts disentangle – one of most transformative habits i’ve startd
- 15 mins/day helped me understand who tf I am
- 1 of few ways to relieve brain – make sense all shit in my brain
- Tim Ferriss – 5 mins in morning brain dump
- Chief Ellis – Brain dump before bed helps sleep in morning know what to tackle
- 120 sec before bed Joe -Mental picture of tomorrow, visualize future,
- Bad things give you more insight than good things
- Write all the shit you despise – find jobs wo those
- Try 1,000,000 diff things
- Understand what you like, don’t like, naturally good, naturally bad
- Service of others – best way to find purpose
- Jon Haidt
- Dan bilzerian – feel best when I’m helping others
- 127 hours – dedicated it to his future son
- Lot easier to withstand suffering if u got a reason or person it’s for
- Long solo trips n drives – reflect on self
- 8 hour drives vegas to reno
- MS to Las Vegas 30+ hours – tons of reflection
- CMC backpacking 5 days no phone
- Miles Camino
- 8 hour isolation
ID Purpose and Self/Insights
- 1 min Story of the mine: Innovation code – Diff ppl create system, as those who culture to sustain, as those who enjoy system,
- Artist – create systems (info)
- Sage – create community/culture (people)
- Athlete – crush obstacles (goals)
- Engineers – improve systems (processes or rules)
- Work with people who think differently
- Thinkers w doers and doers w thinkers – NSTD
- 1 min Abstract/Concrete vs Utilitarian/Cooperative
- Need to read PUM2
- INTP article
- 20 min How to Find Purpose Robert Greene x Huberman – advice 20s
- 20 min StrengthFinders 2.0 – things you’re uniquely good at
- 20 min OCEAN – Jordan Peterson strong unbeliever in – all a spectrum
- 2 hr Wade Davis – advice to young folk, let yourself keep making decisions
- Please Understand Me II – PDF link
- Gifts Differing – MBTI expansion – 8 hours
- Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual, rec per this reddit thread
- 48 days work you love – religious and good
- 3 hrs Innovation Code
- 3 hr Ikigai
- 1 hr Elaine Welteroth
“1 min Jobs crazy ones”
MBTI – good but it doesn’t give a whole lot of direction
You know what you have to do. Just go do it.
It’s not for you. It’s not for your parents.
It’s for allll the people who couldn’t figure out how to do it on their own. It’s for all the people you could’ve inspired. All the people that didn’t come across the right time and right place.
It’s not for you. It’s for the future generations. It’s for the people who come after. You’d be letting them down.
Books to Understand Self
“Our life fulfillment is directly proportional to how well we understand ourselves”
- Please Understand Me – how humans work – If into psych/anthropology
- Differing Gifts
- Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual
- Alchemist
- Defining Decade
- 5 Frames of Mind
Hellllla quotes? New Page??
- 12 Rules for Life
>> Peaceful Framework
>> Relationships with Self
>> Relations w Others
>> Goals n Habits
(need good relation w self, helluva lot easier when have your purpose thing you’re good at)