Hello fellow humans.
With the limited time we have on this Earth, I’d want to bring people together, figure out what is possible, and learn from the best to do that. On a journey of exploration.
It’s pretty incredible what happens when you combine the talents, skills, and passions of lots of different people. With your help, here to make that happen.
In the meantime, understanding people helps us connect with each other… so I’m going to step into the realm of vulnerability. This is who I am. Here goes:
I’m 23 years old living in Las Vegas and a bit fed up with life.
Tired of living how people tell me to live.
Tired of fitting in to this box we call society.
Tired of not being able to live on my own terms.
I did quite nicely for myself in High School.
I was good. I was damn good.
14/400 with 20+ hours of sports each week.
But it was never enough.
I didn’t know what I wanted though, so I did the things they say you should:
Graduated. Move out. College. Job.
At some point in there, I was bored out of mind mind and needed some spice. I wanted to see the world…
So I started to:
- Hiked volcanos
- Learned Russian
- Eaten caterpillars
- Lived 3 continents
- Solo-packed Europe
- Played with monkeys

And now I’m sitting here in Las Vegas with a corporate job thinking:
What the hell am I supposed to do with my life now?’
There’s got to be more, right?
Life has to have more to offer, doesn’t it?
Or do we just grow up and grow old? Life just stops life-ing?
Do we really just settle down and accept what’s coming?
Do we really just work a 9-5 for the rest of our lives?
Is life really over already?

Maybe I’m a dreamer. Maybe I’m delusional.
But I can’t help it.
I can’t help but believing there’s more out there. I can’t stop dreaming about a better life… a better future… a better world.
One where people are happy. One where we get to do the things we love for a living and provide value not just through money, but through our skills and passions. Everyone is good at something. We just have to figure out how to tap in to it.
Ultimately, I’m on a mission to optimize life. How can we be the most happy? How can we set our lives up in a way that we are fulfilled, happy, and can’t wait to wake up for the next day.
“I love figuring out in what way each person is ‘smart’ “
Jeff Bezos
There’s got to be more out there.
I’m on a mission to find it.
– Colin

More Philosophical Ideas
We all plagued by problems constantly. There are soo many factors fighting us. If it’s not one thing it’s the next.
So lost and confused. Don’t know where to turn. Don’t know who to listen to. Now, more than every there’s an infinite number of resources. It’s overwhelming, so I’ll just go back to doing my own thing.
The cool thing is, everyone is in the fight together… The fight for survival. The fight for…
That’s the ultimate goal, isn’t it?
The other cool thing, is that humans have been living for quite some time now. They’ve all dealt with the same problems, the same hurdles. Malcom X dealt with racism. The Beatles dealt with drugs. Abraham Lincoln dealt with depression. Einstein dealt with fitting in.
We’re all just trying to solve our own problems and live a better life. That’s what we’re doing. That’s what our parents did. That’s what our parents’ parents did – Stand on the shoulders of giants.
Every single human since the beginning of time has dealt with straight bullshit.
Only now, we’re in a position to learn from everyone’s mistakes.
Why the hell are we trying to reinvent the wheel?
– Lincoln
– Franklin
– Malcolm X
– Einstein
there was
– Darwin
– Da Vinci
– Van Gogh
before them, there was
– Marcus Aurelius
– Aristotle
– Socrates
Since the beginning of time we’ve been passing down stories and trying to learn from the best.
Only now is different…
Now we have access to the god damn internet.
Anything you want to learn… the tip of your finger tips.
Cooking. Basketball. Underwater basket weaving. Italian theorbo.
It’s all there.
Point is, people have been trying to solve this Life thing for a looonng time. Why not pick up where they left off? Most of our problems are simply reincarnated from an earlier time frame.
Other people have the answers. We just have to go looking.
This blog is filled with my own experiences, stories, lessons, theories, and mistakes in hopes that other people don’t have to make the same ones.
The blog, newsletter, and videos… all of it are in some meager attempt to build a better life for myself and the people around me.
It can be better.
It will be better.
It’s just going to take a little bit of time to get there.
And I’m going to need your help.