Category: WW – g) A Fulfilling Life – Art – A Customized Legacy

  • Week 69 Wandering (3-12-24)

    The Strength of Weak Ties ‘Weak ties are surprisingly valuable’ Our closest relationships often have similar information and world views as us… that’s part of WHY they’re our closest relations. Dr. Meg Jay discusses the concept of weak ties in her book The Defining Decade. Dr. Jay points out how tremendously useful weak ties Can…

  • Week 68 Wandering (3-5-2024)

    One of the Most Unique Podcasts David Choe on the Joe Rogan Experience #1518 This was one of the most interesting podcasts I’ve ever listened to. It’s eye opening, vulnerable, entertaining, and fascinating to hear someone’s story who’s gone through so much pain and gone through all the way to massive success. Forewarning it’s quite…

  • Week 67 Wanderings (2-20-2023) – Venturing in to the Unknown and life as a dreamer

    A Juicy Quote “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Henry David Thoreau I actually found this quote on the intro to Dave Chapelle’s special. I love it. Seems like nobody really…

  • Week 65 Wanderings (2-6-23)

    $100 Advice – Ben Frank Sometimes I get impatient. I want what I want now. But I find it so difficult to actually slow down and be okay with the progress being made in the here and now. So difficult that sometimes I get anxious about the future, worried about what will come.| But I…

  • Week 64 Wanderings (1-30-24) – Nostalgic Song, Podcast on drugs and anthropology, Unexpected wisdom from Drake, Philosophy from a painter

    A Song Rediscovered Fast Car by Tracy Chapman I listened to this song for maybe 25 minutes straight. Stumbled upon it from some Twitter thread after first hearing it years ago. The lyrics hit way harder this time around. Cool ass story and so sad at the same time. That’s music for the soul right…

  • Week 63 Wanderings (1-23-2024)

    Week 63 Wanderings (1-23-2024)

    Misunderstanding for Empathy Creative expression is an extension of self, life, and personal experience. Abstract painting, origami and gangster rap. Someone somewhere is thinking ‘Geez this is dumb, what numbskull is even capable of creating this’. But if it is truly authentic, deep from the soul, how can we fault the artist? SHOULDN’T art come…

  • Week 61 Wanderings (1-9-24)

    Harsh Reality from Harsh Coaches “We need more people willing to accept the consequences” Now this dude was a bit… let’s call him ‘unconventional’. He was a bit of a riot. He calls you on your bullshit. He challenges you. He doesn’t put up with excuses and firmly believes you just ‘deal with things’. He…

  • Week 52 Wanderings (11-6-2023)

    Language vs Emotion Coined by Julia West. Discovered in the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 The deeper I dive in to the nuances of the English language and just how powerful words are, the more I realize the importance of being specific. The same way in the book 1984, words like ‘Rebellion’ were banned to help…

  • Week 51 Wanderings (10-30-2023)

    Potentially Shocking Breakfast maybe isn’t the most important meal of the day :0 I’m curious if this is a common belief or really just a phrase that’s used. Regardless, I hope this article offers some insight. Full article written by The Guardian here Some Therapeutical Insight into Online Dating and Relationship Persistence Emma Chamberlain interviews…