Category: WW – i) How the World Works/BeSci/Misc

  • Week 70 Wanderings (3-19-24) – Managing the confusion of our lives

    Artistic Obligations Quote – Everyone’s just trying their best Destruction and Creation Quote – Changing stress per the scope

  • Week 66 Wanderings (2-13-24)

    49er fans, hopefully you don’t break your phones reading this newsletter through your fountain of tears. (I could not give 2 shits about football tbh) Enjoy! How I lose things less often ‘It has to have a place to live’ I lose things perpetually.Recently it’s been my mind.Subpar joke, I get it but it’s not…

  • Week 63 Wanderings (1-23-2024)

    Week 63 Wanderings (1-23-2024)

    Misunderstanding for Empathy Creative expression is an extension of self, life, and personal experience. Abstract painting, origami and gangster rap. Someone somewhere is thinking ‘Geez this is dumb, what numbskull is even capable of creating this’. But if it is truly authentic, deep from the soul, how can we fault the artist? SHOULDN’T art come…

  • Week 62 Wanderings (1-16-2024)

    Ideas from Die With Zero Concept: ‘Peak Net Worth’ – Retire before retirement Bill Perkins introduces this idea of Peak Net Worth. He argues that any amount of money we die with can be directly translated to hours worked with no return on investment. Even if we enjoy our jobs (which let’s be honest) that…

  • Week 61 Wanderings (1-9-24)

    Harsh Reality from Harsh Coaches “We need more people willing to accept the consequences” Now this dude was a bit… let’s call him ‘unconventional’. He was a bit of a riot. He calls you on your bullshit. He challenges you. He doesn’t put up with excuses and firmly believes you just ‘deal with things’. He…

  • Week 59 Wanderings (12-26-2023)

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hopefully you enjoy yourself. Here’s some ideas to hopefully make Christmas just a tad easier. Some Discounted Joy “The value of a smile at Christmas It costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of…

  • Week 52 Wanderings (11-6-2023)

    Language vs Emotion Coined by Julia West. Discovered in the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 The deeper I dive in to the nuances of the English language and just how powerful words are, the more I realize the importance of being specific. The same way in the book 1984, words like ‘Rebellion’ were banned to help…

  • Week 51 Wanderings (10-30-2023)

    Potentially Shocking Breakfast maybe isn’t the most important meal of the day :0 I’m curious if this is a common belief or really just a phrase that’s used. Regardless, I hope this article offers some insight. Full article written by The Guardian here Some Therapeutical Insight into Online Dating and Relationship Persistence Emma Chamberlain interviews…