Category: Story

  • #3 I Used to Lose Things Alllll The Time

    They’re gone. Vanished. Nowhere to be found. My dentures, again, really? damn it, my keys went missing too.And why has my left shoe been missing for the last 3 weeks? Who threw them away? Who stole them? Ryan, was it you? I know you did it, you asshole. What’d you do to them? Where did…

  • #1 What the Heck Even is This Blog?

    To be honest. I’m not totally sure. I’m also trying to figure that out. The blog, though, will go something like this: It’s going to be quotes that inspire meIt’s going to be mistakes I have madeIt’s going to be lessons that I’ve learnedIt’s going to be utterances that shattered realityIt’s going to be experiences…