Category: >Misc/Rand Exp/Way World Works/Misc Tips

  • #50 Fav’ Quotes an’ Sum’ Stories

    Obsessed with ways to live happier, wealthier, more enjoyably. Offering unsolicited advice today! James Clear, Atomic Habits Russ, Stockholm Syndrome Seth from Jiu Jitsu James Clear James Clear Russ, It’s All in Your Head Naval Ravikant, On Envy James Clear 17 years into a D1 gymnastics career, fed up with the bullshit and lack of…

  • #41 So You’re Making me Run a Marathon?

    It’s simply too much. The project is too long. The goals too big. The dreams are wayyy too far out.How the hell are we going to get there? How in the world would we make it? It’s simply too much, too far. “It’s a marathon not a sprint” They say it all the time, don’t…

  • #35 Whom Do You Serve, Peasant

    Who the hell are you creating for? Who are you building for? Who are you helping? For me, it’s for me, but I do it for you. It’s the reason I have to edit. It’s the reason I review and edit and sharpen. I’ve got 100s of articles written, but most of them are trash.…

  • #28 Silence: Are You Sweet or Savory?

    Silence. Sweet and Sexy Silence. Learn to wield the Blade of Silence and she works for you but shy away, afraid to confront head on, and Silence becomes a toxic trap waiting to strike. Learn to use the silence. There’s so much going on. Always. So much chaos and stimulation. Buzzing, breaking, building, bunching, munching,…

  • #27 My Secret Spice

    First Written: 30-May-2023 | Tue 10:22 Do something wack. Go on an adventure. Road trip. Do something spontaneous. Isn’t it what we all want? Just to feel alive? Live a life where we challenge ourselves? Live one with no regrets? We get sucked in to the daily routine and forget to enjoy life. Bananas, isn’t…

  • #16 Accidentally Fasting for Fifty-Four

    First Written: 23-Feb-2023 | Thu So my roommate did a 38-hour fast. He was on a road trip to Florida, and just didn’t want to stop driving, so he decided to not eat any food. 38 hours. That’s a good sized fast. Naturally, I had to one up him. So You Fasted Just to Win…

  • #3 I Used to Lose Things Alllll The Time

    They’re gone. Vanished. Nowhere to be found. My dentures, again, really? damn it, my keys went missing too.And why has my left shoe been missing for the last 3 weeks? Who threw them away? Who stole them? Ryan, was it you? I know you did it, you asshole. What’d you do to them? Where did…

  • #1 What the Heck Even is This Blog?

    To be honest. I’m not totally sure. I’m also trying to figure that out. The blog, though, will go something like this: It’s going to be quotes that inspire meIt’s going to be mistakes I have madeIt’s going to be lessons that I’ve learnedIt’s going to be utterances that shattered realityIt’s going to be experiences…