Category: >Life Doesn’t Make Any G.D. Sense

  • #24 Certain Uncertainty… My Intrusive Thoughts – A 2:00 AM Edition

    Written: 12-May-2023 | Fri 02:22 Time to Read: 15 minutes Prologue (or skip) The following was written at 2 AM while I was working night shifts, fed up with my job, confused on where to go next, and generally impatient and frustrated with life. I was pissed off and needed to rant. With only distant…

  • #20 Ay Man, Fuck Jealousy

    Dude like seriously? Jealousy?? Really could’ve done without that. What’s even the point? Is it really necessary? Is that really something that needs to exist? Ay man, fuck jealousy. It’s honestly such a pain in the ass. “Hey yeah, so you know how you’re really enjoying your time right now and you actually have a…