Category: >Life Doesn’t Make Any G.D. Sense

  • #54/WW #81 Writing: The Obsession to Understand

    I write to make sense of my overly strung out, chaotic, torrential downpour, oasis bringing, tornado creating, storm chasing, whirlwind of a mind. There is an explosion of thought every damn second of the day. It doesn’t stop. There are no breaks. There’s no pauses. My mind works and works and works. The only temporary…

  • #51 You Can’t Just Solve for X

    Written on Saturday morning, 5/18/24 from my Apartment in Okinawa, Japan. I want it to be sorted. I want it figured out. I need life to make sense. I look at people ahead of me. I think to myself “they’ve got it figured out”. That CEO. That artist. That comedian. They figured it out. But…

  • #49 Riding the Wave

    Up and down.Back and forth. We keep going and going.And they keep coming. Never ending.Infinite and endless. Positive and negative.Up then you’re down.Hot then you’re cold.Yes, then you’re no…In… then you’re out? We just keep moving. It all comes.And then it goes. We ebb.And we flow. Our feelings. Our confidence. Our friends.Everything. Sometimes it’s up.And…

  • #46 Confusion

    How I feel when I’m living around people who aren’t ambitious and want more for themselves. Don’t really think it’s their fault, they’ve just been lulled into acceptance of what is

  • #45 One Mini Existential Crisis

    What’re we doing?Why are any of us here? Not here on Medium. Not even in society. Why are are we here on Earth? You ever wonder what’s the fucking point of it all?Why are we here at this point in evolution? What’s the end goal for the Human race? Are we trying to get somewhere?…

  • #43 Let Me Live so I’ll Know I’ve Died – A Poem

    Invite me so I can choose not to go,But kick me out so I don’t have to leave. Wait for me so I know you care,But leave me so I don’t think it’s too much. Tell me you love me so I don’t have to worry,But fuck me so I don’t have show it. Yell…

  • #42 Perfectly Impractical

    We just can’t fucking have it all, can we?We can’t just have what we want, I knew it. The perfect house with the perfect car in the perfect Life.Working the perfect job with the perfect dog and the perfect wife. It doesn’t exist, does it? The perfect neighbors and the perfect kids.The perfect that and…

  • #39 The Timeless Poem

    It can’t be cajoled or coerced,not fooled nor forced. No no. All,eventually yield to this all-powerful unconquerable God. An incomprehensible Power, soprepollent that none have stepped in and survived. Practice as they may, but none have prevailed. It can’t be forced,or rushed,brushedor beaten. Every man, woman, child,plant, stick, stone, ant, Earthlybeing, broad, banana, barking dog…

  • #32 The Voice of Doubt Veto

    Man, these people are so damn annoying. The incessant skeptical nagging in life. We could do without. They never stop, either. “You’re not good enough”“Look at what everyone else is doing”“Be better” Every goddamn day. Like today? Really? Could we please cool it? Just for today? I feel relatively confident about my life. I’ve got…