Category: Harsh Reality

  • #55 No, I’d Rather Be Distracted

    It’s easier, really.It’s simpler. If I could just chalk it all up to ‘too much’. If my blanket excuse was ‘sorry I’m busy’. It takes the pressure off. The decision is no longer ours. Distracted. We’ve got 1000 things going on, all at the same time. How can we not be? ‘I’ve got to make…

  • #52 Paint the Greek dick, damn it

    Everybody knows 10,000.It’s 10,000 hours after all.Malcolm Gladwell, right? We all know how it works – 10,000 hours in any discipline to achieve ‘True Expertise’, whatever the hell that means. But it seems like we haven’t entirely internalized the idea.We understand it. It makes sense intellectually. But to actually use it? That is a far…

  • #51 Are We All Just Dumb?

    I see it in most Western culture. Granted, that’s where I spend the most time, but I see it in nearly all the cultures I’ve experienced. I’ve seen it in Ireland, Italy, and Iceland, Estonia and other parts of Europe too. We avoid. Everything, all the time. We stop to glance for a second, but…

  • #50 You Can’t Just Solve for X

    Written on Saturday morning, 5/18/24 from my Apartment in Okinawa, Japan. I want it to be sorted. I want it figured out. I need life to make sense. I look at people ahead of me. I think to myself “they’ve got it figured out”. That CEO. That artist. That comedian. They figured it out. But…