Category: >h) Grappling w Happy

  • #25 Finding Meaning in Life (Depressing, Yet Weirdly Optimistic)

    How to Find Meaning in Life

  • #23 The Wrong Goals

    Read Time: 3 minutes Sometimes I wonder. Coming from a hyper-competitive athletic environment in college, I’ve had to rewire my obsessive nature to compete over everything. There’s certainly a benefit, but when you start to dislike riding bikes because it becomes a meticulous grind just to shave a few seconds, well, I think we’ve hit…

  • #22 Today is at odds with tomorrow?

    How do you balance building a future that’s fulfilling while still enjoying your life today? Doesn’t the construction of the future come with inherent growing pains and shitty parts to work through… that’s why they call it perseverance? That’s part of what makes It so valuable – The Grind? I dunno, man. Shit’s confusing.

  • #19 How in the Hell do You Live with Yourselves

    First Written: 03-Apr-2023 | Mon 19:59 Holy. Shit. Dude today is already tonight. These days are zooming. I woke up at 445 this morning (ok I snoozed to 5) but dude it’s already tonight. Like seriously. It’s 815 pm and time to go to sleep. The day just zipped by. 3 weeks ago I started…

  • #18 How to Live a More Enjoyable Life Pt 2

    First Written: 16-Mar-2023 | Thu (Part 1 here!) There’s a famous study where a nurse worked with patients on their deathbeds and congregated 5 of the most recurring regrets. I’ve referenced it a handful of times on the blog and noticed that every time I revisit it, it applies to my life through a slightly…

  • #17 How to Live an Enjoyable-er Life

    First Written: 12-Mar-2023 | Sun What is the spice of life? Your work is… well… work. No, that doesn’t count. Are you doing it for free? Entirely of your own volition? If you had the choice not to show up, would you? Are your coworkers your best buds in the whole wide world? Like it…

  • #6 Make Great Memories because Your Good Ones Are All Lies

    First Written: 02-Dec-2022 | Fri 19:00*All Photos in this article taken by my buddy Albert The other day I was going down some of the Internet’s beautiful rabbit holes and stumbled upon this quote: “As you grow up, make sure you have more dreams than memories, more opportunities than chances, and more friends than acquaintances.”…