Category: >h) Grappling w Happy

  • #62 The Pursuit Of

    4 Min Read It seems more and more that the pursuit of is where the fulfillment comes from. I don’t even know if it’s the fulfillment, life comes from the pursuit of. A few things sparked this particular lull I have been in. For one, the past week has been wrangling my lungs as I…

  • #59 – Fight or Flight: Redbull Doesn’t Sponsor You for Flying

    There are thoughts cruising around. Constantly. It’s one thing after another. The mind doesn’t take vacations. It doesn’t take any breaks. They say we have an estimated 6000 thoughts per day. Who? Good question. All I know is that is a lot of thoughts. They don’t really stop, do they? These pesky thoughts just keep…

  • #58 Something Greater

    #58 Something Greater

    July 4, 2024 – Thurs Okinawa Read Time: 7 mins Pretty sure we’re supposed to contribute to something greater. Ok, maybe not supposed too. I hate that word anyways. It’s so hand wavy. For what? For why? For whom? Supposed to? Says who? Did you just make that up? You say I’m supposed to? ‘Supposed…

  • #57 when is success?

    What really is success? Is it the $150k/year? Is it the white picket fence? Is it that home? Maybe. I’ll suggest it’s something entirely different: Making ourselves happy each and every day. Both internal and external success exist. They’re both entirely real and make us feel a certain way – but they don’t feel the…

  • #55 You’re Working Pretty Hard Just to Disappoint Your Ancestors

    It’s not really a suggestion. It’s not an idea nor a nice to have, nor a luxury. This is not an optional quality. Humans are designed to be humans, we’re not not built to be robots. To work without joy is to disappointm everyone who’s ever come before you… They all worked to make the…

  • #53 Paint the Greek dick, damn it

    Everybody knows 10,000.It’s 10,000 hours after all.Malcolm Gladwell, right? We all know how it works – 10,000 hours in any discipline to achieve ‘True Expertise’, whatever the hell that means. But it seems like we haven’t entirely internalized the idea.We understand it. It makes sense intellectually. But to actually use it? That is a far…

  • #40 Old People Time Travelin’

    The world’s most famous interview question. I always wondered why they asked it. Every time they did the same feeling would bubble up inside.“Well sir, I have absolutely not an ounce of a clue where I’ll be in 5 years” And then you go on to make up some bs about how you want to…

  • #38 Have You Even Done Anything With Your Life?

    First Written: 09-May-2023 Tue Read Time: 16 Minutes No beating around the bush today, let’s get down to it. People are wasting lives. They waste their lives, their time, and their dreams. There’s no damn self respect anywhere around here. I look around and constantly see people wallowing in their lives. I see people languishing.…

  • #37 Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

    Read time: 7 minutes Get Some Help What is the most challenging obstacle in your life right now?Put it in to one sentence.Say it out loud.Say it. Now. Ok, nevermind.Don’t do that.Stop talking to yourself. That’s weird. Quiet.Stop. For real, what problem do you have?What is the most daunting challenge you’re facing? That problem?Take it…