
Richest Man in Babylon – Financial Advisors Recommend

NEED Annotation – Concept highlihgthing in paper, what problem did this solve, what differentiates from other books

NEED Book then link to page w actionable steps

Framework to be acceptable human (6 books) – numbered bc build on each other

  1. 4000 Weeks
  2. 12 Rules
  3. Richest Man in Babylon – How to make money. Not enough money, financial struggles. Financial Advisors recommend
  4. Die w Zero – Helped me w hyper frugality. You’re always going to be working to make more money to acheive wealth. What the fuck is wealth to you. There’s a compelling story of a dude who has $4 billion and keeps saying – I’ll retire next year. He doesn’t. We continue to live the life of the habits we build.
  5. Essentialism
  6. Never Split – Incredibly useful.
  • Can’t Hurt Me

Highly Recommend

  • Richest Man in Babylon
  • Ikigai – Not the one-stop-shop to solving all your problems but a short, useful read on fulfilling life
  • Happiness Hypothesis
  • Atomic Habits
Best All TimeHappy/Custom LifeDon’t Be a BitchUnderstand Self and the MindMoneyBody
  • Searchable alphabetic
  • Chronological top 10 i rec?
  • Age group?
  • Would recommend reading the book that solves your most current problem and sheer interest
  • The truth is, I don’t read for self-improvement. I read out of curiosity and interest. The best book is the one you’ll devour.

Goal – Give ppl a framework and the ability to peruse
– Give ppl a list of books that solve their

Framework – Give ppl a morale compass and way to live their lives. Give them the tools to do that ie never split

Every single one of these books improved my life. I wish I started reading books that solved my problems earlier as the most influential were the ones that addressed a problem at that very moment.

  • Greatest of All Time
  • Girls
  • Happy – Creating a Customized Life
  • Health – (For discipline see resilience)
    • Body Dismorphia
    • Sleep
    • Food
    • Discipline
  • Resilient – Become a savage
  • Climbing/Outdoors
  • Miscellaneous Self Help
  • Money – Struggled Relationship w Money (Frugal or Spendy)
    • Business
  • Psychology
    • Human Behavior/Negotiations/Relationships/How to Argue/Manipulate- If argue w ppl a lot or quality relationships
    • Understanding your Mind & How you Work – Understanding how you fit in
  • Innovation
  • Self Help – Literally see know issue w this. Tactics ppl use to improve life
  • Leadership – If in charge of People

Intent: Give ppl ability to solve their own problems. Books I would rec to ppl to be basic functioning humans = top 5. Rest are recs to solve own problems – need to be findable.

Ppl could type problems into amazon but have no way of knowing if the book will actually solve their probs. This gives Colin’s stamp of approval. Vetted thru me or by extension my friends as it solves their problems

Top 5

A Custom Life

  • Understand Your Mind
  • Mental Chains

Badass Humans

  • Sports
  • Creatives
  • Sciencers
  • Resiliency – Trauma/racism

How to Healthy

How to Happy

Understand the Mind

  • Understand Your Mind
  • Psychology

Money Mgt

  • Business
  • Budgeting
  • Spend better

Relationship w Self

  • Trauma/Racism


  • Parents
  • Romantic
  • General

Self Management

  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Relationships w Parents
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Bad Habits
  • Productivity

Top 5

  • 4000 Weeks – prioritizing what’s what. best decision making.
    • This book was the nail in the coffin getting me to realize there’s only a finite amount of time on this Earth, we won’t get to read all the books we want to, yet I can use books to solve problems I have right now. How do I prioritize those? What’s my most immediate problem? Someone else has already solved it, why not learn from them?
  • 12 Rules for Life
  • Never Split the Difference
  • Richest Man in Babylon
  • Die With Zero
  • Essentialism – prioritizing what’s important in life. only do important
  • Meditations

Honorable Mentions

  • Can’t Hurt Me

A Custom Life

Understand Your Mind

  • Please Understand Me by Kiersey
    • Unbelievably validating. As and MBTI INTP (for whatever weight that carries) this book, and specifically this passage made the whole world click
  • 5 Frames of Mind rec by Robert Greene
  • Innovation Code by Jeff DeGraff

Breaking Mental Chains

  1. Courage to be Disliked
    • Delightful book for recovering people pleasers
    • Meaghanne’s book – Quit blindly following gold stars
    • Breaking childhood trauma and relations w parents – only affects you as much as u let it
  2. Breaking the Habits of Being Yourself Dr. Joe Dispenza
    • Recommended this by a therapist.
  3. Excellent Sheep
    • We’re trotting down the path of a pre-downloaded path. This book helps to understand and become aware the problem even exists. Then can start working way out. The system is set up against you. Education as a whole isn’t set up to optimize helping the individual. Validating for the hardworking individuals who’ve been doing what they’ve been told was ‘the right thing’ this whole time. Not super practical, but useful to understand the origins of our drive.
  4. How to Change Your Mind psychedelics

Build a Better Future

  1. Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
    • Super quick, very worth it
  2. 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
    • Gives a good mental reframe. Forward thinking. Tim points out the whole point of his book is to make himself obsolete
  3. Crush It by Gary Vee
    • Practical points to implement. Gary’s energy you either love it or hate it. His passion and experience makes it hard to believe every crazy word he speaks. There are ways out.

Cont in the Business section.

Note: I cannot stress this enough – Study people you’re interested in. That’s the best way to create a custom life. You’ll slowly pull useful tidbits from people you’re inspired by and subtly craft your own dream version of reality.

Bad Habits

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

Badass Humans

There are more in the Resilience Category. These are other creatives that pushed the boundaries but might not necessarily have risked their lives to do so.

  • Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Battles with Self



  1. How to Become a Rainmaker by Jeffrey Fox
  2. Crush It by Gary Vee
  3. Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
    • Rec by Nathan Chomski photographer

  4. Show Your Work by Austin Kleon (and rest of the series)
  5. Real Artists Don’t Steal by Jeff Goins
  6. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber
  7. Skin in the Game rec by Naval Ravikant


  1. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
  2. Breath by James Nestor
  3. Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman

  4. Circadian Code by Satchin Panda
    • Uses fear


  • Happiness Hypothesis

Money Mgt

  1. Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason
  2. Die With Zero by Bill Perkins
  3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  4. Psychology of Money
  5. Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
    • Experts spend their lives researching stock picks – What advantage does your average bear have in the market? Quite technical, but some good nuggets. Discusses common pitfalls in stock bubbles and why we fall for them



Negotiations – At literally the core of all relationships

  • Never Split the Difference
    • Easily one of the most influential books I’ve ever read. As someone who likes to argue, this book blatantly pointed out how obviously wrong I was going about it. It completely rehauled my approach to debates, relationships, conversation and attacking the problem not the person. Labels. Mirrors. Tone of voice. Body language. Picking an agreed upon point in the future. Written by a former FBI hostage negotiator, this book is good shit
  • Getting Past No by William Ury
    • Shorter read with high quality tips. How to let others have their own way, going to the balcony, staying calm, best alternatives, etc

Romantic (written for males, helpful for both)

  • She Comes First by Ian Kerner
    • Admittedly, I was seriously skeptical reading this knowing it was written by a man. That being said he is some sex doctor (whatever the hell that is) and provides substantial information and tips on the female orgasm from a scientific perspective. Anecdotally have had more success and been able to be more open with partners as well. Nobody teaches you how to satisfy your partner, so we learn through trial and error (and lots of error) and potentially from friends. Ironically, an old roommate recommended this book and it has been quite interesting, informative, and useful. Another problem solved.
  • The Setup by Dan Bilzerian
    • Certainly a contradictory book on this list, though my wish is not to withold knowledge from people. This guy very clearly objectifies women and a self-admitted sex addict. That being said, I was quite shy and working out how better to talk to girls, reading a book written by someone so far in the extreme was helpful for me to get me out my shell. This being said, helpful I think to understand what is it you need to solve your problems and where can you get that info. This book is what I needed to have a healthier relationship with women and not feel as if I were a total inconvenience to people all the time #thxchildhood


  • Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
  • Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
  • Kiss or Kill by Mark Twight

Self Management

Understanding Your Mind

Top Recommendations – Foundational – Catch all Problems

  • Happiness Hypothesis
  • Turn the Ship Around
  • Instead of accumulating random knowledge, we’ll devour the books most applicable to our lives.

Read what’s applicable to your life.


  1. Why We Sleep
  2. Breath
Body Dysmorphia
  1. The Mountain Is You
  • Eat to Live
  • Courage to be Disliked – Helped to let go of the past. It’s a choice. Can affect. Can not. Interpersonal relationships. Dialogue between philosopher and a boy. Do you have a bad relationship with your parents? No. How to feel you have value.




  1. Can’t Hurt Me – This dude showed that you can crawl your way out of any hell hole that exists. David Goggins auto biography details one of the most hellish childhoods and outlines how he crawls himself out. The book touches on racism, domestic abusive, overeating, household growing up.

    It gave me incredible relief to know that somebody could crawl out of such a deep hell hole. He somehow combines the most riveting story with some tips bordering self-help.

    Dealing with any problem ever. Learning in school. Military leadership. Fitting in. Racism. Domestic Abuse.

Unbroken – Story.

  • Kiss or Kill
  • Gates of Fire
  • 127 Hours

These are categories I didn’t even know were categories. Books have done a beautiful job at helping me solve my problems. Perhaps they’ll help you the same.

I am putting this reading list together days after my 24th birthday. Within the past year, year and a half I’ve seriously stepped into myself, my confidence, and direction in life. I’ll sprinkle some of the stories throughout, but am living in Japan, dating a beautiful girl, and fascinated with the things I’m building. Ultimately, I’d say I’m pretty happy.

In a few years I imagine I’ll be much deeper into the exploration of the world. I’ve dug myself out of a bit of a mental hell, having used to hate being who I was. I put this list together to help young folks like myself have a way out. These are the books I have read and have revolutionized my perspective on the world.

  1. 4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman
  2. 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson
  3. Never Split the Difference by FBI Investigator Chris Voss
  4. Die With Zero by Bill Perkins
  5. Essentialism by George McKeown
These are books have been massively beneficial in my life. I’ve heard the term ‘Quaker Books’ – Books that completely rocked your world. These books will 100% benefit you and are the ways of living I wish schools had taught us about. They offer the things our parents and parents parents may not have ever been taught to live a less stressful, more deliberate, more enjoyable and a more fulfilling life. I hope they impact you as much as they did me. Enjoy.
  1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  2. Happiness Hypothesis by social psychologist Jonathan Haidt
  3. 5 Regrets of the Dying by Australian nurse Bronnie Ware
  4. Ikigai: Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life Francesc Miralles & Hector Garcia
  5. The Courage to Be Happy by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi
  1. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
  2. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
  3. Kiss or Kill by Mark Twight (rock climbing centric)
  4. The Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
  5. 127 Hours: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
  1. Please Understand Me i & ii by David Keirsey
  2. Frames of Mind: Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner
  3. Innovation Code by Jeff DeGraff
  4. Excellent Sheep by William Deresiewicz
  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or
  2. Die With Zero by Bill Perkins (probably don’t need both these tbh)
  3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kawasaki
  4. The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness
  5. by Morgan Housel

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