0) An Unsexy Education: Concepts that Changed My Life (+ Quick Resources)

Over the past 6 years I’ve distilled the most impactful videos etc that fundamentally changed how I live.
Happier, healthier, wealthier. Enjoy.

Every item on this list takes less than 20 minutes but ages to instill.

3 Hours You Can’t Live Without

  1. (4 min)The 5 Regrets of the Dying by Australian nurse Bronnie Ware
  2. (13 min)The Harvard Happy Study TedTalk by Robert Waldinger
  3. (15 min)How to Make Wealth by CEO Paul Graham
  4. (3 min) What If Money Was No Object by Alan Watts
  5. (35 & 8 min) Suggested: BlueZones Netflix Doc or Vice Documentary)
  6. (14 min)The High Price We Pay for Pursuing the Wrong Things in Life
  7. (20 min)How to Find Your Purpose Robert Greene & Dr. Andrew Huberman


James Clear

Kevin Kelly
Naval Ravikant

Single greatest antidote to jealousy, impatience, progress, ego… “It’s you vs you dog, you’re running your own race”

Elon Musk
Robert Greene

Steve Jobs
Henry Thoreau

Dr. Brene Brown

I’ve since incorporated silent reflections into my media consumption. If something resonates, I’ll stop for 30 sec & figure out how to apply to my life.

Andrew Nalband recreation of James Clear’s “Atomic Habits”

5 Articles

1) How to Make Wealth by Paul Graham, CEO (15 mins)

Perhaps the most consolidated, all-inclusive article on accumulating wealth that I’ve read. It’s by Y Combinator startup founder PG. I’ve come to listen to what he has to say. This has come to be a backbone on how I think about earning money.

2) 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware, Australian Nurse (4 min)

The Guardian article written 12 years ago was so freaking compelling that I read her book. Both have been largely influential in the guiding forces I use for my life now. I don’t want to live a life I regret, but we don’t know what we’ll regret ’til it’s over – Old ppl do, though.

“For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.”

3) The 3 components of lasting happiness (and the mistakes people make) by psychologist Jonathan Haidt (5 mins)

Frankly, eff the clickbait title. Eff it because it’s so gd useful… I clicked on it, didn’t I? False. Jonathan Haidt has many words of wisdom I’ve come to appreciate and even preach. This article simple solutions to finding more meaning in everyday life… Simple, I didn’t say easy damnit. It can be quite difficult to implement, a wrestling match each day with my mind, but the framework he provides in the article and more so in his book are so useful.

4) The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement (8 mins) by Mr. Money Moustache, retired age 30

This article and it’s 2 cousins were some of the first resources I stumbled upon in my entrepreneurship journey and some of the most profound. I spent hours on this guys blog for early retirement. Get Rich With Bikes is also good.

  • Jonathan Haidt Happiness
  • To Do or To Be

5) To Do or To Be by Air Force Col John Boyd (10 mins)

What the hell are your priorities in life? I’ve worked with a bunch of yappers before. Talk talk talk. And some of them even do. But it’s as if they raise the problem all the way to the top – They want the credit and they want to be known. That’s an option. You’ll pave the path and feel good and likely live a high quality, even fulfilling life… But were you honest with yourself and did you reach your own goddamn potential?

4 Videos

on YouTube by Pursuit of Wonder

Being in a particularly competitive, hyper active, goal driven environment when I watched this, this video totally transformed how I think about life. We can get all the glory and the love and success, but at what cost?

It means sacrificing sooo much and for what? This video helped me put what truly matters in to perspective. Are we actually enjoying ourselves or are we just fighting tooth and nail to get to the top for the sake of being on top? 100 yrs after we die will any of that matter?

(over 700 participants) by TEDTalks

I must have quoted this study to a dozen different people now and seen visible surprise – exactly how I reacted.

I have now compiled it in this list for for all of us to take note and hopefully reorient our lives. Inline with the previous article, when we’re dying, nothing else really matters but this. This and 5 Regrets of the Dying now function as a compass for how I live my life.

Dr. Andrew Huberman x Bestselling Author Robert Greene, 11M views original

Just now realizing, that again, a friend sent this to me. Seems like the close people in our lives know us best, and if you pick good ones they’ll seriously help. We do well because we share stories and advice and communicate with each other. (It’s why we outlived the Neanderthals).

Robert Greene authored 48 Laws of Power (very good, just super friggin’ long) and shares some powerful insights into how we lead a life we’re actually proud of. Nobody else can tell us the things we enjoy and how we should live. That’s up to us and us alone to figure out.

(full podcast here)

on YouTube by Aperture

Maybe… late 2022? I had a good buddy send me this video (best source for good resources) and I got half way through the video and just had to stop and stare at my wall to reflect on my life.

Shortly after, I read Digital Minimalism (also given to me by a friend) which convinced me take a 30 day social media hiatus. They did wonders to my relationship with social media. I still use them, but don’t feel nearly as controlled.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Do, Have, Be
  • Ikigai – Uniquely talented in
  • Perfect Day

2 Reminders I Balance

  • Happiness vs Meaning
  • If I did this action 100x would my life be better

Seems like there’s an optimal level:

  • Hormozi and Chris Williamson Happiness v Meaning

1 Book Rec + 1 Documentary

  1. Never Split the Difference (8 hrs) by Chriss Voss, FBI hostage negotiator
  2. Netflix BlueZone Doc (35 min) – People on Earth who live the longest

In my experience, clear communication seems to be the core of soooo many of our problems. This book on negotiations is incredible. 2 other delightful reads on communication:

  • Getting Past No (3 hrs) by William Ury
  • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (4 hrs) by Kerry Patterson

“It’s not about winning, it’s about solving the problem creatively, together

Some 30 Day Challenges

  • Joy Journal
  • 35 mins meditation (12 mins)
  • 10 mins journaling
  • 8 hours sleep

Some Habits

  • 7.5 hrs sleep (want 8)
  • 33 min run – few things reset the day, my angst, and clarity of mind as a good run
  • 35 min meditation
  • 30 min walks
  • 15 min reading (audio book)
  • 15 min writing
  • 1 hour work of progress towards my future
  • Minimum 1 high quality friend I interact with
    • Adrenaline
    • Learn
    • Improvement
    • Friends

Honorable Mentions

“If you want to change the world, change your corner of the world first”


I agree personality tests can be a bit hippie-dippie and can put people in unnecessary boxes. That being said, people do think differently and understanding the ranges, helped me understand how my brain works. As an INTP, this 20 min article on Myers-Briggs INTP (& INTJ, ENTJ, ENTP) gave me total confidence explaining why tf I think different from most.

6) BOOK to Understand Life

Dr. Jordan Peterson, 5M sold

12 Rules for Life (16 hours, 450 pages) by Canadian Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson

Every video I see from this guy makes me think. He makes me think about my relationships and the future and has guided some of my approaches to life. I deeply value his input. Full disclosure I haven’t read the entirety of this book, but have had it highly recommended from people I value. He is meticulous with every line and has spent years as a psychologist and compiling the most useful information.

0) BOOK for Money Mindset

184 pg, 4 hours – rec by Financial Advisors
2M sold

Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

This one is listed as 0 – Money is the foundation to modern life. Sure, you can go live in a cabin in the woods, but that’s unreasonable. The bottom tiers of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can all be solved with money. This book walks the reader through stories of the ‘richest man in babylon’ and his gripes and frustrations as well as the steps he takes to money freedom. It’s more of a mindset book with a handful of tips. If this is useful and you want more, I recommend Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kawasaki as well. Without money, how can we self-actualize?

11) BOOK for Negotiation and Connection

FBI Negotiator, 3M sold

Never Split the Difference (8 hours, 288 pages) by FBI Negotiator Chris Voss

This book has substantially improved my overall quality of relationships with nearly all my close people. It taught me how to see things deeply from opposing parties, negotiate, persuade, empathize, and overall just be a better person. It’s smoothed tensions and given me tools to calm myself and others in intensely heated situations. I do not think I have gotten in a yelling match a single time over 2 years largely as a result of this book.

13) BOOK for Living Intentional

4000 Weeks (6 hours, 304 pages) by British Dude Oliver Burkeman

This book was a breeze to read but gave me so many quotable lines and ways of thinking that totally alter how I live my life now. You will NEVER finish everything you want to. Not all the books nor the projects. There’s no end state, so you might as well enjoy it along the way. ‘Treat your Bucket List more like a river to be plucked from than a list to check off’

14) BOOK for Living Intentional

Essentialism (6.5 hours, 304 pages) by Greg McKeown

I read this directly after 4000 weeks and it was a phenomenal 1-2 sucker punch. There’s only so much time in the day. “You can have it all. Just not all at once” – Oprah. We have to choose. Our time is a choice. Nothing is permanent, we can emphasize different areas of our life at different times. “What is the most important thing in your life right now

15 BOOK to use Money to Prevent Regret

Die With Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money And Your Life (5 hours, 240 pages) by Bill Perkins

This book completely reframed my relationship with money. It is not a pile of gold to hoard over but rather a tool to use. Money is a tool to get us what we want. That means spending time figuring out what it is we genuinely want.

Honorable Mentions

*Bonus: TOOL for Anxiety

Have been curious about it. Couldn’t find data to support. Finally did – 12 mins to support. Anecdotal success. 19 min TedTalk (no protocols). 1 hour Podcast.

*Bonus: TOOL for Jealousy

– Naval Ravikant, CEO, Entrepreneur

This totally helped me with jealousy and become happier with being myself. It helped me to learn to appreciate all the things I’m uniquely good at.

*Bonus: TOOL for Aimlessness and Fear

– Steve Jobs, CoFounder of Apple

Acknowledging that even the greats were skeptical about their own direction. The more I learn the more it seems people aren’t 100% certain but following their gut and their beliefs. Hard af to do, but easier once we know the greats have done the same.

  • Happy
  • Healthy
  • Wealthy

The existence of the internet gives us immediate access to the worlds most effective information in the history of humans. We’re always going to have problems. I envision a future where we have direct access to the solutions of our most immediate problems – relationships, money, trauma, fear, insecurities, etc

Other Most Nutrient Dense Concepts

It doesn’t matter how much you learn or read… if you don’t do anything with it you’re wasting your time. It’s not just meant to be some inspirational quote… apply the idea or you’re wasting you’re fucking time.

“You don’t need more information, you need more action.”

Jolly Green Giant (probably)

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”

Isaac Newton

Only You All the Time

This one came from a rap song. We don’t compete against anyone but ourselves. There’s always someone better than you and there’s always someone worse. And the one’s who are the best? The one’s who don’t have anyone better? They’re competing against themselves to begin with.

I heard this repetitively growing up. I swear this sentiment is infused in my brain. And it’s proved unbelievably helpful – Nobody owes you shit. It’s precisely at this moment that we’re able to take ownership for our actions and responsibility for what happens in life. Life isn’t fair. And yet, nobody controls our lives. It’s up to us.

This one hit surprisingly hard. Another rap song. A valiant reminder that anyone who’s ever done anything remarkable has started with the first step. We all start at nothing.

I’ll admit, I can be a bit of the jealous type. I used to be insecure about inadequacy, but I’ve since learned to use other’s success not as invalidation but inspiration. In competitive situations, or high level situations, being honest with myself and others about my capabilities prevents me from feeling inadequate.

Liberating in a way. Quite painful initially, but I’ve come to love this freedom. We have full autonomy over our lives. Nobody’s coming to save us or take it away. This life is ours and ours alone.

Nothing more effective than a little bit every day. The hardest is the worst. It feels impossible. It feels difficult. It feels like nothing will ever work. But you move forward anyways.

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”
There’s no other way to achieve greatness.

What is Your Most Important Right Now?

Akin of Simon Sinek’s Start With Why TedTalk. Why the hell are you going where you’re going. Where are you going. Anytime I’m unsure about actions to take today I zoom out and ask myself where the hell I’m trying to go with the big picture in the first place. That always seems to do the trick.

Naval Ravikant, Entrepreneur, Investor, CEO of AngelList

It’s Gonna Be Okay

I used to be awfully difficult on myself. Relentless. I could never perform well enough. I could never do well enough. It was never good enough. I had to train myself to see the good in what I was doing. “Celebrate what you want to see more of”.

Enjoying the Journey: How to Happy

This thing’s a journey. If you’re never celebrate the now, never are proud of what you’ve accomplished, you’ll remain forever searching for validation and accomplishment.

Similarly, “Life is the sum of present moments” Oliver Burkeman. I’ve got to remind myself of this continuously. If I’m grumpy, tired, angry, frustrated for a sustained period of time… something has to change. I can’t enjoy a whole week if I don’t enjoy 1 single day.

You never get to where you’re going. If you’re enjoying the journey, you’ve already won.

Death’s hard to conceptualize. Been trying to grapple with it more and more. It helps me put into perspective what’s important. “Will I regret not having this memory when I’m 80 even though it’s expensive af?” The answer is usually a resounding ‘yes’


This one rocked my shit. Figure you’re own shit before handing the steaming pile to someone else.

Took me awhile to realize I was even allowed to do this. Nobody should know you better than you. Figure out what you need and tell other people. It’s not up to others to determine how you live your life. Easier said than done.

God damn this one’s hard to implement. Never Split the Difference totally helped me with this concept though. They only way to move people off their position is to pause and actually listen to what they have to say.

Most Powerful Resources

Resources are all about timing.

I can’t make the timing right.
But I can give you thought provoking ideas.
2 mins

Best Videos

  1. Overstimulation is Ruining Your Life
  2. The High Price We Pay for Pursuing the Wrong Things in Life
  3. Harvard’s 85 Year Long Study on Happiness
  4. How to Find Your Purpose in Life – Andrew Huberman x Robert Green
  5. Best Tool for Anxiety and Stress (in conjunction with sleep)

6) Start With Why by Simon Sinek
18 mins

An incredible video about leadership, vision, and direction. Where the hell are we going? Start with why you’re going there in the first place.

7) So You Want to be a Writer, Charles Bukowski
1 min

God damn this clip hits like a truck. Checks my morales and authenticity.

charles bukowski

8) Alan Watts What if Money Was No Object
5 mins

Another truck. What would I do if I didn’t pursue the things all of society tells me to.

A particularly heart-wrenching comment from the video above

Best Articles

The pursuit of money has helped me figure out what I want to do with my life. We need it to survive so we just need to find enjoyable ways to be useful to society. Finding a way to enjoyably provide value to other people I think is the secret.

1) The 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware
2) How to Make Wealth by Paul Graham
3) The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement by Pete Adeney

Software engineer fully retired at age 30. His blog is how he did it. Combats overconsumption. Essentialist.

5) The Gentle Seduction by Marc Stiegler – 15 mins

An eye opening short story about technology in the future from the perspective of a young girl. It helps me think bigger and put this life thing in to perspective – Where are we headed.

6) Destruction & Creation by Col John Boyd

How the human mind works. This article helped me be okay with not being ok. It’s quite technical.

But the premise is that the human mind craves order. But it craves growth so it seeks disorder once order has been made.

It makes order of the chaos. And then seeks more chaos. It’s a constant pendulum of confusion and growth.

Parting Thoughts

steve jobs

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