i) Leadership

  • Empowering people
    • Get them to think for themselves so you don’t have to

“If you ain’t a reader, you ain’t a leader”

  • Jobs – the best people manage themselves. You don’t need to manage people. You need to unite people under a common vision.

Steve Jobs was an asshole. He blew up on people and was a perfectionist. He was consistently an asshole though. People discovered his exceedingly high expectations. Once they knew what to expect, they were able to perform incredibly well

People perform based off the stimulus you give them. If you pat them on the back for shouting their praises from the rooftops that’s what you’ll get. If you praise them for helping out other people you’ll create a culture of people who help peopl

Not for money. Not for the time off. What is the reason the organization as a whole exists?

This is paraphrasing… but this story stood out to me so clearly in Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Jobs was always focused on the bigger picture. The why. The who is this going to effect. He was obsessed with every little imperfection in the Mac and strove to make it perfect. He knew how much it would affect people.


Start with Why, Simon Sinek, 18 min

Basically my spirit animal, 3 min


Turn the Ship Around, Navy Admiral David Arquet

This book totally transformed how I think and interact with people. You don’t be a leader by telling people what to do, you become a leader by getting people to think for themselves

My Reflections

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Weekly Wanderings

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Weekly Wonders Newsletter

4 ideas each week that’ve made my life happier & more enjoyable

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