All Health Resources
- Quotes/Shorts ~1 Minute or Less
- Videos/Shorts ~5 Minutes
- Videos/Articles ~15 Minutes
- Podcasts ~2 Hours
- Books ~8 Hours
- Inspiration Stories
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- Exercises
My Creations
1. Health is one of those things that sort of seems to fall to the wayside as we get older. We want to stay in shape and do all the things, but without friends and people to do them with, I find we often brush our health to the side. I have found that the people we surround ourselves with have a much greater effect on what type of lifestyle we’ll have.
Unfortunately, that seems to fall away as we get older. We have friends and family and work to take care of. Sometimes all we want to do is relax. That, or we just don’t know what to do for workouts. I find it’s much easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. It’s easier to maintain than create.
My entire childhood and early adult life was spent around hyper competitive athletes. I competed D1 gymnastics (well, not very well) and picked up a thing or 2. I want to share the most valuable resources, tips, and podcasts I’ve learned over the years so that everyone can take care of their most important organ – The mind.
I do not enjoy working out. I don’t enjoy the pain. I don’t enjoy getting up out of bed to do things when it’s easier to not do things. But I do enjoy feeling better. And every time I work out, or run, or go in a sauna, or ice bath, or get 8 hours of sleep, or go for a walk… Objectively I feel better. I hope to share some of these with you.
~1 Min Shorts/Quotes
10 Gee Wizz Health Facts
- Saunas – Sauna 5x/week = 100% decrease all cause mortality. decreased muscle atrophy. Decrease all cause mortality. Decrease stress.
- Colon cancer is completely preventable Get a Colonoscopy every 5 years after age 35 – cancer completely preventable. As much as we don’t want fingers up our butt (well…) colon cancer is essentially completely preventable.
- Nasal Breathing – Increase oxygen, increase sleep, sharper jawline, better dental,
- Mouth tape for better sleep
- 15 mins sunlight in morning to wake up – extreme biological benefits, 15 at night to help sleep and decrease impact of bluelight
- Physiological Sigh for stress. Exhale=parasympathetic. Inhale=sympathetic. Westerners overbreath
- 1g/kg – 1g/lb of protein per day. I weigh 150lb and shoot for 150g of protein
- Huberman weekly workout regimend for healthy
- Vitamin D – 70% US deficient in Vitamin D and it’s the quintessential item needed to make tryptophan – amino acid for emotional regulation
- Zone 2 best thing you can do. Sprints increase VO2 max 1 day/week. Resistance weight training (negatives) best way to build muscle
- Sleep – 7-8 hours or worse emotions, more irritable, enjoy difficult things less, more prone to sugar, more prone to short term enjoyment. The most important thing to recovery. More than nutrition. More than treatment. Sleep is the most important. Clears ‘brain garbage’ whatever the hell that means.
- Mouth tape
- Sunlight
- Daily Exercise
- Meditation
- Write down worries
- Fiction before bed
- 30 min Walks for mental clarity “Best thoughts are when my body’s in motion” Lincoln quiet reflection. Nietze walked 8 hours. Steve Jobs walks.
- Fiction books at night to sleep
- 33 min runs for mental sanity
- Can’t poop normal? Check fruits and dark leafy greens
- Weight loss is a math problem: Calories in vs calories out.
Don’t worry about cutting bad shit out yet, just add good shit in. Less soda? Add 4 glasses water. Less calories? Add high quality proteins that fill you up. I see so many people try to starve themselves but snack the whole time. I’ve seen it far more successful to subtly shift diet over long periods of time - Vomit mental thoughts in a journal before sleep so can sleep
- Redline stress situations – Double inhale to force breathing to slow – Longer exhales than inhales decrease heart rate
- Intermittent fasting – Only eat in 12 hour window – otherwise your body is constantly working and you don’t give it a break
- Meditation – 12 minutes day for the habit. 35 mins/day to actually feel at peace
- Cold showers in the morning if I need to jump start the day – They suck but allow me to eat the frog. Everything feels easy after that.
- Ice baths – Scientifically increase happiness for a period of time after
- Bad Knees – Run backwards before every workout ~3 months. RDL squats. Knees over toes.
- 7 min HIIT Workouts for mental sanity
- If want to get healthier add things – Don’t subtract sodas, just add 8 bottles of water.
- Mewing – better jawline. Chewy gun
- Sugar damages your DNA
- Fact: Modern humans mouths, faces, and breathing cavities are more crowded -> Higher rates sleep apnea. More mouth breath (uh oh). Teeth crowded and uglier. Theory: 500 years ago sugar industry started. We get our calorie count with less chewing. 1900s: We chew less because food is softer + more processed, thus weakening facial structure, thus subtly collapsing airways
Shit I Do
- 35 min jogs 4-5 days/week and Sprints 1x/week (midday is absolute best, clears my head) – I dislike running, for my mind more than body
- Upper body weighted training (pullups, dips, pushups, rows all weighted)
- Knees over toes
- If no time will do 7 min HIIT
- 35 min meditation daily – treat your mind like an animal (unbelievalble)
- Sleep: Sunlight, Mouth tape, same wakeup time even on weekends (1 hour swings) (Mg daily + Apigenin + L-theanine)
- Sunday Sugars: Brain is literally created from foods we eat??
- Nature walks/hikes/bikes – just exist in nature
- Rand
- 15 min writing daily – nothing clears mind like it
- 30 min walks – so good for thought generation
I’ll admit I do not have the optimal workout schedule and would like to cater more towards my hobbies… I just have not taken the time to deliberately plan out my workouts. This has gotten me good enough for now.
If I feel shitty for long periods of times I ask which of my Happy Habits I’m consistently missing.
- Sauna – When I have them near me I love them and feel way less stressed
- Wim Hof Meditation – Totally shocks my body
- Cold showers – succkkkkk but so good for jumpstarting my day
“The body should be treated rigorously, that it may not be disobedient to the mind.”
Eat the frog
“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Everyday, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.
Soren Kierkegaard
But by sitting still, & the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill. Thus if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.”
“Treat your food as medicine or eventually you’ll have to treat your medicine as food”
Source: Unknown
Mouth Breathing’s bad for you – More in depth in James Nestor’s book Breath

Easy Not to Do Things, John Mulaney

Recovery Recipe, Khabib Nurmagomedov
Longest reigning UFC Lightweight champion ever. 29-0 UFC. 2x sambo world champion.
Great performers are an exception. Typically, they sleep significantly more than the rest of us.
Harvard Business Review
In Anders Ericcson’s famous study of violinists, the top performers slept an average of 8 ½ hours out of every 24, including a 20 to 30 minute midafternoon nap some 2 hours a day more than the average American.
“If you don’t eat your food as medicine, you’ll have to eat your medicine as food”
Our health industry is fueled off recurring injuries. Prescriptions, surgeries, and pills. The part that is beyond frustrating to me is that so much of our pains and bullshit is preventable. I’m not yoga guru but I’m sure that would prevent sooooo much pain in older years. I had a great aunt in her 70s that was still limber, and moving fine – i was told her trick was yoga.
“Athletics not aesthetics”
Jack Dargle – used to be so set on aesthetics. Climbing – you carry your engine, might be more useful to athletics not aesthetics
In the U.S., drowsy drivers are responsible for a fifth of all motor vehicle accidents and some 8,000 deaths annually.
Harvard Business Review
The day after losing an hour for daylight savings ~ “there was a 24% increase in heart attacks on the Monday following the switch to daylight saving time”
The day after gaining an hour for daylight savings ~ “heart attack visits drop 21% as many people enjoy a little extra pillow time”
Tom Segura, In-n-Out
~5 Minutes Videos
Mouth breathing’s bad for you – studies with Stanford Doctors documented by James Nestor
Contributes to:
– Snoring
– Sleep Apnea
– High blood pressure
15 Minutes
1) TedTalk – Sleep is Your Superpower
Every time I dive down the sleep rabbit hole I am reminded at how crucially important it is and want it even better.
2) Bill Ramsey, age 51, redpoints 5.14b
It’s ridiculous the amount of times I hear “I’m getting too old for this”. Bitch, you are 35. You are not even half way through life. So enjoy this video of this 51 year old being an absolute savage.
Podcasts ~2 Hours
- #1474 JRE Dr. Rhonda Patrick – Ph.D. in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health – Well being, supplements, science of the body, etc
- Andrew Huberman and Matthew Walker – Science of Perfecting Your Sleep
Haven’t listened to this one specifically, but regularly listen to each of these Doctors. Incredible resources. - Colonoscopies, Don’t Be Manipulated, Business – #599 Tim Ferriss – New Insights from Sam Harris, Dr. Peter Attia, Ramit Sethi, and Elizabeth Gilbert
- Sauna Use – Found My Fitness #14 with Dr. Rhonda Patrick
1) Breath: The New Science of the Lost Art by James Nestor
2) Eat to Live – haven’t read yet, just been recommended to me,
Supposedly this book discusses the relationship we have with our food. It is fuel afterall.

- Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker Took his MasterClass so am confident in his book. A friend read recently and gave the thumbs up
Some Inspiration (in no particular order)
1) Ethan Suplee
Lost 286 pounds. Used to be ~550 and has gotten down to 250.

Age 39 she won Western 100, Hardrock 100, UTMB, all 100 mile races
Trail runner, won Moab 240 10 hours ahead of her competitors at 32 years old

3) David Goggins
Abusive childhood, gained 120 lbs and worked as exterminator. Inspired to become Navy SEAL after watching a documentary

Lived a life of crime, after imprisonment tried indoor rowing machine and ended up breaking several British and World Indoor Rowing Records
Ran Olympic Torch at 67, 79 & 81
Unbroken is about this man. Former Olympic Runner turned WW2 POW
5) Bill Ramsey
Age 59, climbing 5.14s

These are all individuals with wildly different stories. What that all are undoubtably, is overwhelmingly inspirational. From Ethan Suplee and John McAvoy completely changing their lives to Louis Zamperini going through hell and back and continuing to skateboard at 79 and carry Olympic torches at 81 it’s possible.
These people show me what the human body and mind is capable of. They put my problems and struggles in to perspective. Not everyone is going to be at that limit… but in the words of David Goggins ‘Don’t call me superhuman, don’t put me on a pedestal, that devoids you of all responsibility’
It pisses me off when people say “I’m too old for this” when Bill Ramsey is 59 years old and climbing 5.14s. For non-climbers…that’s hard shit. Point is, there are people much older still getting after it. Training doesn’t have to be crazy. But to allow our bodies to atrophy and chalk it up to ‘I’m just getting old’ is simply just lazy.
There are plenty of examples of older people still active in their older age, you just have to look for them. Hopefully I can provide a few of these examples.
- Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
Story of a girl who wants to grow up and live her dreams. Her father didn’t take care of himself and hurt the people around him as a result.
“See, my old man’s got a problem
He live with the bottle, that’s the way it is
He says his body’s too old for working
His body’s too young to look like his
Mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said, “Somebody’s got to take care of him”
So, I quit school and that’s what I did”
Neglecting to take care of ourselves is neglecting to take care of our friends, family, and kids as well.
- Sleep 7 hours minimum
– Sleep is the cornerstone for recovery, muscle building, memory, critical thinking, and emotional regulation
– Opting for poor quality sleep is setting your ceiling to be at 80% or lower
– If you don’t set your days up to prioritize sleep it won’t happen - Clear your mind: 25 minute run.
That’s literally all you need. It feels shitty, but
If too daunting start with:
– 30 minute walks (incredible for thinking)
– 1 minute of jump rope
– 5 minutes jump rope
– Run 1 mile
– Run 15 minutes
– Run 25 minutes
baby steps - 7 Minute HIIT Workout – No equipment needed
– 50 body weight squats
– 100 jumping jacks
– 100 high knees
– 100 jump ropes (don’t actually need a rope)
– Repeat whole thing again, half the numbers - 15 min Kettle Bell Workout
– 10 kettle bell hip swings to shoulder press
– 10 kettle bell squats
– 100 jumping jacks
– 50 high knees
– repeat 3x - Weekly Workouts (per Jack Dargle) (Huberman weeklys??)
- 1 day sprints (increase VO2 Max)
- 5x cardio
- 2 days 25lb stairs + ankle weights (Zone 2)
- 3 days runs (Zone 2)
- 1x push, 1x pull
- Your bodies uses calories as fuel – Eat to feel good
- Sleep