b) Framework Finding Meaning v Being Happy (old)

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All Happy v Meaning Resources

My Creations

~1 Min Quotes/Shorts

Happiness vs Meaning: 3x 1-minute long clips with different takes on happiness. Full podcast here


There are varying approaches, I think it’s all about finding the one that works for you. Some can just chill out and are happy at normal, so find happy in meaning. It varies. Pretty sure it’s up to each of us to find the happy medium and figure out how the hell to live our own lives (no pun intended)

^^How I feel I live my life sometimes. Have heard life described as a misty mountain – You can only see a couple steps in front, but if you don’t start walking buddy-boy good luck getting anywhere.

John McAvoy, World Indoor Rowing Record breaker while in prison, Triathlete

Protect your attention. We spend far too much time pursuing and propelling thoughts, companies, ideas of other people. That is silly. For our own mind, we have to go inward and understand our own mind. As Kendrick Lamar says “protecting my soul in the valley of silence”.

5 Mins – Articles/Vids

Article on happiness by psychologist Jonathan Haidt

John Vervaeke on Susan Wolf’s Meaning in Life

Susan Wolf discusses Projects of Worth as a way to lead a meaningful life, theorizing however, that nothing inherently has intrinsic value.

This is a fun rabbit hole to dissect and John has a much longer lecture that can be found here (haven’t watched myself)

Blue Zone, Ikaria Greece – Highest life expectancy in the world

15 Mins

In this article I explore the differences between external and internal happiness

~2 Hours Podcasts

Interview with Old People, Gary Vaynerchuk

Have not watched this all the way through but Gary Vaynerchuk, while eccentric, tends to have quite valuable advice


1) Happiness Hypothesis by psychologist Jonathan Haidt

This book totally changed my approach to happiness. It’s an art as well as a science. There are certain factors we can control and some we can’t. Jonathan Haidt is a fantastic writer and shows ways we can set up our lives to be happier on a regular basis.

Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

2) 5 Regrets of the Dying by Australian nurse Bronnie Ware

She was a home care taker for elderly folk, conversing and making them feel comfortable. After years of conversations with people coming up on their last days of life, Ms. Ware documents the 5 most common regrets and shares some of the most compelling stories.


Let It All Work Out, Lil Wayne

I find songs like this fascinating and an unsuspecting place for wisdom. If we can get past the ‘money and bitches’ musicians are singing about the exact same problems all of us have.

Weezy’s grappling with a chaotic mind and stumbles across a ‘fuck it’ mentality.

We can’t force so many things in life and sometimes you really do just have to ‘Let It All Work Out’


First Times, Ed Sheeran

This song hits.

We chalk life up to these big moments, the end goal, the pinnacle… and then I heard this song and it made me totally rethink the whole thing.

Here’s a guy who has most certainly ‘Made It’. And still… life just keeps on going, one day after another. Time just keeps ticking.

No matter how big the success or catastrophic the failure, we just kind of keep going forward. The song reminds me appreciate the small things as I go. There is no destination.

Fly, Hopsin

Creating a different life

What Do I Know, Ed Sheeran

“Love can change the world in a moment”

Sometimes, Rich Brian

“My daddy told me happiness is something that you create
But I ain’t feeling so creatively lately”

Are You Happy, Bo Burnham

He forces the quiet introspection of asking self “Am I happy”

2) A Perfect Day for Different Brains

Personality tests aren’t factual. They aren’t law. But one thing they do well is show that we do in fact think differently. Whatever test you use, point is different brains think differently.

It’s up to you and you alone to figure out what brings you joy on a regular basis and keep doing that.

To singularly follow what brings someone else joy is a guaranteed recipe for regret.

Innovation Code:
– Sage – Connection
– Artist – Knowledge
– Athlete – Goals and winning
– Engineers – Satisfaction?
– Others – Prestige and Affiliation

More Resources:

3) Happiness vs Meaning

We all have different setpoints of happiness. Some are content to enjoy the days as they pass and some are obssessed with finding meaning. I believe that’s largely dependent of our predisposition.

Each of us have to figure out what makes us enjoy our lives and do that.

Happiness vs Meaning: 3x 1-minute long clips with different takes on happiness. Full podcast here

4) Gratitude

Gratitude video
Jonathan Haidt Article

My Reflections

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