1) Most Important Shit

Living a happier, more enjoyable, more fulfilling life.

– My story – now i want to stop it all

I Don’t Want
I watched my parents fight a lot growing up. They never were pleased with each other. They constantly disagreed and frequently fought. They always seemed to be stressed and what little time they spent together only seemed to stress each other out.

They loved my sisters and I. And they wanted what’s best. But I grew up ice skating… no not like that, but more so just perpetually on thing ice. They expected the best from us all and we had very high expectations of us. Anything short of our absolute best was failure. Sometimes even that didn’t feel like enough.

So we all did pretty well in school. We all ended up doing fairly well for ourselves. But through this whole journey all I could help wondering was “is this it”?

At some point I started to wonder what the hell all the hard work was for. What’s the point? Why do I work this hard? What is it all for? Is there a point to any of it? I realized I didn’t work the damn hard to work some 9-5 job. There had to be something more.

It didn’t seem like my parents saw their friends enough and money was always a point of contention. Weekends were usually at home just sort of being there. They just didn’t seem all that happy.

Both of them lived with a good bit of anxiety and it felt impossible to live my own life because they were both stressed and anxious. I was always on thin ice. I never quite felt free.

But they loved us. And they supported us. And they had high expectations. And for that I am beyond grateful.

Trying to make the most of what they taught me and share the rest of what I learned from books and people who seem to have it figured out.

1 Enjoyable It kinda pisses me off that we aren’t taught to actually live happier lives. It’s up to our parents and if they never quite figured it out it’s up to us.

Traditional schooling never seemed to quite cut it and all they wanted is for us to memorize a bunch of facts. It seems like it’s set up so that we can provide the most amount of output for society. It seems like it is just training us to be cogs in the machine. News flash… it is.

The modern education system was developed by a guy named Horace Mann. It was designed in an agricultural era to increase output and was designed off a Prussian Military Academy. I’m not sure if you noticed, but we’re no longer confined by agricultural output.

The value of education has gone down. We don’t need to teach people to blindly follow directions… we need them to think. Unfortunately… we’re taught the opposite… to follow.

Education system

2 Individualism Every person is incredibly talented at something. Everyone. Even you Gerald. Each person is unique, with their own set of talents, skills, and characteristics. Yet, those talents are neither cultivated nor even celebrated.

If we don’t fit in to the cookie cutter mold we’re brushed away, labeled as disobedient or weird. hg

I envision a future where, socially, we have enough self-awareness to make the most of every single person’s unique talents… your talents. What are you good at? How do you excel? How can we make the most of your passions and talents?

You are very good at certain things. You have a specific world view. We just have to find out what they are. Your greatest weakness’ are your greatest strengths and vice versa. I want to find out what they are. I want you to enjoy your work and enjoy your life. I want you to be happy.

3 A Life We Want It seems ridiculous that we have to work jobs we don’t enjoy with people we don’t like… oh, and who decided 8 was the magic number of hours? I propose an alternate future where we get to set our lives up to actually enjoy. We travel to the countries, we love the people we love, and we cross off the bucket list. There’s no reason we all can’t live a life that we’re proud of.

I want to get to the end of my life and be proud of what I created. And I want the same for you.

4 Optimized

I explore ways for us to enjoy our lives, be healthy, have high quality relationships, understand how to treat other people and more importantly ourselves. This is a compilation of the most relevant and tangible advice I’ve found on the Internet.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”
-Albert Einstein

It’s so easy to be caught up in what ifs and could-bes. We’re all dreamers, but how many of us take action.

The place of happiness doesn’t exist

Even that person you hate, your liberal friend, your republican friend, your selfish friend, your anti-religious friend, your religious friend, your racist friend, your sexist friend, your asshole friends…. hatred is taught. Everyone is doing the best with what we have. The best thing we can do is educate ourselves.

5 mins of gold

Looking at the people I am inspired by has given me tremendous insight in to the values I want to exemplify and the way I want to conduct my life

  • Steve Jobs
  • Bill Hicks
  • Alex Volkanovski
  • Patrice O’Neal
  • George Carlin
  • Jiro Ono
  • Akira Kurosawa
  • Winston Churchill

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”
Isaac Newton

Winston Churchill
sarah blakely
martin luther 95 theses

I explore ways for us all to have the courage to live happier, more fulfilled, and independent of the pressure from those around us.

  • Quotes/Shorts ~1 Minute or Less
  • Videos/Shorts ~5 Minutes
  • Videos/Articles ~15 Minutes
  • Podcasts ~2 Hours
  • Books ~8 Hours
  • Exercises
  • Who will you be
  • I will teach you to be rich – money conscious
  • Relationships – mirror label most interesting person at party
  • 4000 weeks ideas – rivers instead of buckets
  • Vitamins – rhonda and veggies
  • Ikigai –
  • Stand on shoulder of giants – learn from the best – gordon ryan clip
  • Be careful who take advice from
  • Overstimulation is ruining your mind – josh clip
  • Alan watts – what if money no object
  • Sadghuru – it is just a thought
  • Gratitude video
  • 4000 weeks
    • michellin star
    • life is ocean not bucekt
      • never read all fav books etc
    • to be the best dr first have to choose – indecision is a choice
  • Video – At what cost – success but at what cost – animation
  • Fav books (below)

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

  • Health?
  • Career?
  • Financially?
  • Relationships?

What do you want to be remembered for after you die?

What will you have done and who will you have become on your deathbed?

(they say you’re supposed to begin with an end in mind)

Given the 100 things we are responsible for, it’s easy to forget what’s truly important. We don’t talk about death all that often, but it does a fantastic job of putting in to perspective. What is actually important and what is not?

(I’ve been told meditation, magic mushrooms, and base jumping have all had this same effect as well)

Once we have something we’re shooting for, a direction we’re going, the actions in our daily life start to have a whole lot more meaning when we’re actually going somewhere. Tim Ferriss described this thought experiment as “Do, Have, Be” in his book 4 Hour Work Week.

1 Min

STOP mufuker. Stop right there. Pause. You’ve read enough…. too much. Go do something. Whatever that inkling of an idea you have in the back of your mind. Go. 15 minutes. Start it. Whatever it is. Please. Just do something

Seriously. Go do something. For you. For your kids. For me. For the cookie monster. Idgaf. Just pls go do something. 5 years from now if won’t be me regretting it.

James Clear -> Andrew Nalband

5 Minutes – Videos

Humans are incredible susceptible to Group Think. Even being aware at how easily we are moved to join the group is the first defense against it

15 Minutes Videos/Articles

Harvard Happiness Experiment – Colin verified

Overstimulation is Ruining Your Life

I watched this the first time after a friend sent it to me. It totally rocked the way I viewed media and attention.

The High Price We Pay for Pursuing the Wrong Things in Life

This video totally transformed my view of success. Do I really want to be successful or can I enjoy my life along the way?

Stanford Prison Experiments – Our mind are so god damn powerful. Just the belief of ourselves tremendously changes our actions.

Milgrams shock experiment – not verified – Not required??

Paul Graham – Have to be useful – Be a contributing member of society

Top 10 Most Transformative Books

  1. Never Split the Difference
  2. 4000 Weeks
  3. Essentialism
  4. Unbroken
  5. 1984
  6. Can’t Hurt Me
  7. Die With Zero
  8. Power of Moments
  9. Turn the Ship Around – relations w others. Helping others be best self
  10. Kiss or Kill – if interested in climbing/outdoors

Honorable Mentions

11) Breath by James Nestor
12) Defining Decade – You have to first choose

Podcasts Resilience/Crazy Stories

  • Jon McAvoy
  • David Choe
  • Kevin Hart on Joe Rogan
  • Courtney Dewaulter

Weekly Wonderings Newsletter

4 ideas each week that’ve made my life happier & more enjoyable

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