Over 6 years, hundreds of hours of research, countless books and conversations… these are the most useful resources I’ve found to create a happier and more fulfilled life.
Our quality of life shouldn’t be at the mercy of our upbringing.
These are all resources helping me live a life I’m grateful for… and hopefully proud of at the end of my life.
Specific Topics
Browse by topic.
0) Generally Useful Shit
a) Money
How to Make Wealth
Early Retirement
b) Time
c) Health
d) Resilience, Anxiety &
Relationship with Self
e) Negotiations & Relationships
f) Goals n Habits
g) Customized Life
h) Happiness and Meaning
i) Leadership
The Why
People used to win the birth lottery. We still do, but it’s in the thoughts our parents teach us, or rather, what we’re taught. Rich families teach their kids to be rich. Athletes teach their kids to be athletes. But our quality of life shouldn’t be at the mercy of what our parents figured out.
Never before as a human species have we had instant access to such high quality information. The trick is finding it. This point of this website is to distill.
Someone out there already solved the exact problem you & I are struggling with right now. We deserve to live lives we genuinely enjoy. This consolidates the best resources I’ve come across to live fulfilling lives we’re passionate in.
The goal is to raise the level of Useful General Knowledge of the Human Race.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”
Isaac Newton
NORTH STAR: Alan Watts
What if Money Was No Object?