b) Money

How to make more of it. What to do with it. When we don’t want more of it.

All Money Resources

My Thoughts

Alan Watts is a damn wizard


  1. Money is necessary to survive
  2. More money generally makes life easier
  3. Problems with money
  4. Money is a means to an ends
  5. Money has to be used to create a life we actually want to live


Money is an incredible tool. It’s necessary. It’s a requirement. We need it to live. We need it to take care of ourselves, our families, survival, and do things we want to do.

But societally it seems we’ve strayed so far from celebrating genuine happiness. We’ve evolved to want status. Status means survival. As a species, biologically we’re designed to evolve and continue the species. Life makes more life.

Yet culturally, at least in the West, we have placed such an emphasis on status that sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses. We celebrate the new tech, the CEOs, the Gala’s, the Quarterbacks, the Singers. We host conferences, and debates, and Emmy’s and Grammy’s, and Nobel Prizes, and Double Platinums.

These bring awareness. They bring attention. But I fear they also take the meaning away from people in pursuit of their passions in the first place. The awards are created the celebrate the best at their craft. But do they celebrate the right things?

Absolutely we should recognize those who have gone where few others have. But what if we sacrificed our enjoyment and happiness to get there? What if we get to the end of our life and wonder “Is this really what I did it all for?”

This page has tips on how to get more money and retire early. It’s got a few tips on how to spend it too

5 Most Valuable Resources

  • paid proportion problems you solve
  • make more money be more useful
  • How to make wealth
  • 4% rule
  • retire early
  • Richest man in babylon or rich dad poor dad

Actionable/Quotes/Shorts ~1 Min

end goal – actionable steps.
From Vanguards Website
If you are sitting & reading this wondering “Where in the hell would 15% even come from that is impossible”

See Richest Man in Babylon

lemme show you.

This is saving $500 each month for 40 years.

compound interest calculator
>> $1.2 million
$100/month for 10 years >> $17,000
$500/month for 10 years >> $83,000
$100/month for 34 years >> $160,000
$500/month for 34 years >> ~$800,000

LEARNED: Time in market matters far more than savings rate or return rate.

start early pls.

savings rate vs retirement.
Early retirement
(Years to Retirement vs Savings Rate – calculator here)

make more.

If you are an Olympic level swim coach but teaching Middle schoolers, you may be winning the state championships but the ceiling is still middle schoolers. If you change the context to the Olympics you now have the potential to win the Olympics


Both of these have resulted in a far wider perspective. They’ve opened my ideas to alternative lifestyles and ways of living. They have had an amplifying impact on my earning later in life.

Experiences really seem to be the absolute best investment we can make. I’ve justified trips to foreign places with friends by thinking about them as investments – Every time I travel or see new cultures my perspective opens up. I realize that everyone on Earth is just doing the best with what they’ve got.

Most powerful aspect of being a human (ie make more money)

Whatever financial goals we have all start with an end vision we’re trying to acheive – Where are we trying to go?

More tips on how to reach goals here

We want that cold hard cash. We want the end. Unfortunately, we don’t just skip to the money piece. That money comes from someone somewhere. Why are they paying you? What are they paying you for? What have you done to earn that money? Somebody has to find what you are doing valuable enough to give you money for it. Perhaps the best article on money/business I’ve read is by Paul Graham. Found here

Warren Buffet wins $1 million – Bet on S&P 500 vs Professional selecting Hedge Funds

Fantastic breakdown here

Perhaps the greatest personal $$ blog:
Mr. Money Mustache

^^One of the first seriously beneficial rabbit holes I found when starting my entrepreneurship journey – got me thinking there really is a better way than 9-5 grind.

can money buy happy?

We’re social animals. We want to do as others do. But words from one of the world’s greatest investors affirm that some prudence would do us well. I find this applies to more aspects of life than just money – Anytime the crowds are completely convinced of something, I think it’s in our best interest to be wary.

Callan Periodic Table of Investments


Munny Right, Jon Bellion

Since I Was Broke, Russ

Make the Money, Macklemore

~5 Mins Articles/Videos

Over time, betting on the S&P 500 is a far better bet than trying to pick companies

5 Money Questions to Ask Your Partner by Two Cents. 5 mins

~15 Mins Articles/Videos

  1. How to Build Wealth by Paul Graham
  2. Best blog for early retirement Pete Adeney
  3. Key to Retiring Early – 4% Rule by Pete Adeney
  4. Shockingly Simple Math to Early Retirement – Pete Adeney
  5. Advice from an African Man – Advice from an incredibly good friend on happiness without money: Life in Niger the 6th poorest country in the world

Podcasts ~2 Hours

  1. I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi – Honest conversations with peoples pitfalls and strengths
  2. Dave Ramsey Show – People call in with their financial struggles and he answers their questions and gives financial advice


  1. Money Mindset: Get more – Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

    This is an easy, short read on the mental frameworks to earn more money. Several people have told the me this book explicitly was what opened their eyes to an improved financial world.

  2. Mindset – Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

    This book is written totally differently.
    Have not read yet. Many people recommend this, though

  3. Totally Changed my relationship with money – Die With Zero by Bill Perkins

    This book taught me to spend money. It is a tool. Once I understood how to get more money, this book transformed how I could actually use it to improve my quality of life. Spending it on frivilous things leads to a life for other people, but we can learn to spend it on things that bring us joy. It taught me to use money to create experiences not just to find them.

  4. Advantages of avg investor – A Random Walk Down Wallstreet by Burton Malkiel

    Pretty technical. If interested in the intricacies of investing, this book is good. Provides some good examples of people getting sucked in to financial bubbles. Explains how we invest when we’re afraid to miss out and some ways to avoid that.

  5. Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel

    Have not read yet but it is on the list and many people recommend

Mental Workouts

100 Year S&P Avg Return – 10.62%
2024 Roth contribution limit – $7,000
Conservative inflation rate – 3.8%
Roth IRA withdraw age – 59.5
Investing $500/mo from age 22-59 (conservative numbers) – $912,000
Using 4% rule – $36,000/year at retirement

My Reflections

Weekly Wanderings

134+ readers swindled (so far)

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