What are we doing here?
I mean, seriously, what the hell are. we. doing?
Are we alive for the human connection?
Is it for the growth and progress?
Perhaps the exploration?
Is it to discover another form of life?
Maybe to explore intergalactic travel?
Is it to understand the nooks and crannies of ocean and space?
Or maybe to understand the ecosystems inside each of us?
To understand cells, electrons, and subatomic particles?
Is it to help each other? But if it were all peaceful, who ever needs helping?
So then is it to fight evil? What is evil? Is there inherent evil in the world? Resident evil inside each of us? Is the whole point to ensure the light prevails?
Then again perhaps evil is just a misunderstanding.
Maybe the bully was never loved or archvillain never understood.
Maybe Annakin was betrayed and left for dead.
Or Thanos worried we’d run out of resources.
Maybe the intentions were good.
Maybe we misunderstood.

Do we instead seek peace?
Do we follow the words of Bhudda? Perhaps the yogis solved it with meditations from the East?
Perhaps we should live care free and will ourselves to peace.
Perhaps that would rid the world of evil.
‘Personal peace is difficult… though I know it is the only way to acheive world peace’
Dali Lama
Is it universal equality we’re after?
Is it world peace?
Is it discovery?
What is it we’re after?
Ghandi. Nelson Mandela. Mother Theresa. Are we here merely to care for ourselves and the Earth?
What then? What’s the end state? Where do we want to go?
What happens after all of that is done?
Or is the point that we’re never finished?
Do we always need something to fight? Something to struggle against?
Do we always need an adversary to give us purpose?
Does Batman need the Joker?

Is opposition the only thing that gives us direction?
Are we motivated not by love, but by frustration and hatred?
Or maybe it’s money we’re after? Shall we all pursue business?
A business provides goods or services. Billions upon trillions of dollars.
And for what? Where does it take us?
Where are we trying to go?
Is it after power and control?
Hitler, Stalin, and Genghis Khan.
Perhaps status?
Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson and Queen.
Nobody makes it out alive.
In 10,000 years each of us fades away anyways.
We’re just a grain in the sands of time.
The history books only remember you for so long.
Is our purpose to climb the evolutionary ladder and replicate of our genes? Are we here to merely make more?
If it’s a game, it’s infinite.
And in the long run, we all lose.
Perhaps the four largest give us insight to our deeper desires.
Apple, Nvidia, Microsoft, Amazon… Technology. Is that what we’re after?
So again, exploration and discovery?

Is it to discover human potential? It’s a damn good theory. What are we’re capable of?
The Olympics. Redbull Sports. The Colloseum.
Oceanic free dives. Ski Norwegian culoirs. No parachute skydives.
Does purpose reside in our relationships?
They seems to play a fairly large role in happiness. Are we designed to sit in a circle, drink tea, and kumbaya all the time? Maybe. Water, food, and sex have gotten humans pretty far.
Maybe it’s to pay hommage to some god or deity. Maybe we’re meant to have faith, to believe.
Who knows, man?
Who knows.
Maybe it’s all one giant simulation.
Truman Show, Matrix, or Inception style.
Or maybe we’re after art, self expression and creativity.
Bob Dylan and The Beatles. Charles Bukowski and George Carlin.
Maybe it’s just to understand? To make sense of as much as we can before we die. Maybe Mother Nature just wants to understand herself.
In the meantime I guess it’s just one foot in front of the other.
Make the road by walking.
What the hell are we doing here?
Let me know if you figure it out.
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”Winston Churchill
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