You are what you eat, right?
Is that accurate, accurate?
You are what your brain eats, maybe. But not what you eat.
On second thoughts, pretty sure you are what your brain eats.
The brain is a fascinating playground. It soaks up, frames, and guides our entire lives. The decisions it makes dictate how we feel, live, and whether or not we enjoy ourselves.
“The quality of your thinking determine the quality of your life”
A.R. Bernard
The brain also plays a large role in the quantity of our suffering.
In WW2 Louis Zamperini and 2 others survived a B24 crash in the middle of the Pacific. 1 freaked out, ate all the rations, lost hope and died. Zamperini and Phillips both survived 47 days and lived to tell the tales. He recounts it being because of their willpower and belief. (Unbroken)
The mind is incredible.
The part that absolutely blows my mind is that our brains can be loaded with virtually anything. They can learn, understand, conform, capitulate, coerce, persuade, accept and absorb virtually anything. They say (don’t ask me who) that we’ve got a near infinite storage capacity. Near infinite. Incredible
We are capable of understanding anything. Each of us owns a tiny explosive ball of insanity, a biological supercomputer everywhere we go.
We can learn to ride bikes or unicycles, pogo sticks, or hell, jetpacks if we want. We’re taught to build bridges, fly planes, and perform open heart surgery.
We can bake butternut squash, weld underwater, and identify the origin of wines just by taste. (losers)
The Matrix was on the something. Homie was able to download skills like a software program. You insert the disk, boom, congrats you know karate.
In my myopic 24 year-old live-under-a-box-brain books have the craziest return on investment. We can take someone’s 80 years of experience and condense it down in to an 8 hour drive in to the desert. Beautiful.
Humans have been learning from other humans for centuries. Scratch that, Milleniums.
Why not learn from the best?
It’s right there.
Anyone we want to be…
anything we want to do…
It’s just waiting for us.
Right there.
We just have to want it.
We own literal super computers. We learned Calculus and the curvature of the Earth (sorry Flat Earthers) and how to build pyramids so high we couldn’t even imagine… with f%&king bare hands (I mean mandatory slave labor help too). We have fire and understand gravity and power wash 14 story windows.
I am perplexed at the unfathomably massive body of information humans have at our disposal. And it’s all become massively available in the past 100 years. Much of it has be created in the past 400 years.
The past 400 years. 400?? That’s my great-grandma living 4 times. That’s 4 grandmas and we’ve gone from the best thing since sliced bread to the entirety of flight, space travel, cruise ships and remote control microwaves. WHAT?
The Greeks and Romans figured out public discourse and created a system that created our modern government.
They figured out civility, humility, logos, ethos, pathos, how to persuade and how to disagree. The Renaissance and Industrial Revolutions created people that figured out how to host discussions and disagree and fueled modern art, science, and technology… not more than 40 great-grandmas ago.
Each stage of human existence is merely a step to the next stage of human existence.
What we build today creates the framework for future generations of human intelligence.
Each day we live is the newest day in history… we are on the cutting edge of human existence and intelligence. Why waste that?
We are the future… quite literally the future of the past. We’re living in George Washington’s future. What about our future? What’s going to happen then?
Not sure, but the future’s already here.
Oh, did I mention that our brains are capable of literally anything.
Never before have humans had as easy access the high quality information that we have today… at the tips of our fingers.
This lonesome little singular species we call the Human.
Maybe I’ve been watching too many People Are Awesome videos, but I think we’re pretty incredible.
We’re only as incredible as the information we understand. We’re limited by our beliefs. Those are limited by our experiencing and understanding of what other humans have done before. Never before has it been easier to figure out what is humanely possible.
Just marinate the brain in it for a couple weeks.
I’m sure we’ll figure something out.
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