WW #86 – (8-27-2024) Overabundance, Walking, What we’re entitled to, Beautiful advice from a beautiful man

Read Time: 3 mins


‘In a world of abundance the most valuable resource is time’
Greg McKeown

And arguably attention. We spend so much time consuming other peoples thoughts but how often do we actually have time to process our own?


“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Everyday, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it. But by sitting still, & the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill. Thus if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.”
– Soren Kiekegaard


“We’re entitled to whatever emotions we feel.
We’re not entitled to treating other people however we want as a result.”

Had this revelation recently. We get to feel however we want, we just don’t get to take it out on others. The reaction is ours to control, we have a choice how to handle situations. The power of the mind is it’s ability to prevent us from just reacting.

A Beautiful Podcast Naval Podcast

Naval Ravikant is an entrepreneur, CEO, and investor and continues to be a source of wisdom for me. He’s truly a wizard. This was one of the first podcasts I listened to from him and I got hooked.


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