Week 84 Wanderings (7-2-2024) – Taking life less serious, Negotiations, On giving advice, Using mistakes for connection

  1. Taking life less serious
  2. Negotiations
  3. On giving advice
  4. Using mistakes for connection

Laughing with (at) people

‘You can’t build a relationship solely on laughter, but it’s impossible to build one without it’
Source: Unknown

Idk where I found this, but holy smokes it’s good. Seems like the fun is a bit sucked out of us as we age and people expect you to be more ‘professional’. That doesn’t quite jive, and now I found an excuse why.

One of the best phrases in English

“Have you considered…?”

Someone told me about this phrase years ago and I’ve found it a fantastic way to introduce alternative perspectives to people without directly attacking their ego. “Have you considered” keeps both parties engaged in a conversation instead of escalating to a yelling match.

It allows both sides to hear everyone’s Point of View without directly challenging other people.

Some ‘teacher’ taught me this

“Connection before correction”

All I know is she was was a teacher, blonde, and wears glasses. Do not know this women very well but she blurted out connection before correction. And holy smokes – Relationships, teaching, coworkers… this one hit the nail on the head. If people don’t like you, why the hell would they listen to you no matter how right you are.

Thanking people for messing up

A little while ago I started using “thank yous” Instead of “Im sorrys” and it has made a world of difference. It takes the emphasis off of the mistake and instead places it on the positive of the relationship. Everybody messes up, but thanking other people for understanding regardless has been such a help.




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