Week 83 Wanderings (6-18-2023) – You have to actually think, Less is more, Some Chinese guy, Progress doesn’t feel like it, A goodie song

  1. You have to actually think
  2. Less is more
  3. Some Chinese guy
  4. Progress doesn’t feel like it
  5. A goodie song

Thanks, Mr. Dewey

“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”

  • John Dewey

Less is More

Innovation 2.0: Do Less

Sometimes this guys podcast style drives me nuts, but he has good information and has thoughtful guests. We want to just add more and more stuff to our lives, The Laws of Entropy are a fascinating explanation to this, but sometimes subtraction is way better. Less is more, baby.

Some Chinese Farmer

This 1-minute clip lives rent free in my mind.

People are quick to assume the worst or the best or put their interpretations of your experience on you. “Oh that must be great” or “Oh that sounds awful”. But there are silver linings in every situation, we just have to figure out how to use them to our advantage.

Progress doesn’t feel like it

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”

  • Winston Churchill

Every time I’m stumbling through life I lie to myself and remind myself ‘hey I’m just being successful’.

Bob the Dylan

Like a Rolling Stone

Have been on a bit of a Bob Dylan rabbit hole recently. It is astounding at how much music this man made. It’s cool to go back in time and realize how wide of an impact people have had that we don’t even remember. Sometimes it’s frustrating though, because it feels like we’re recycling the same old information.


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