Week 77 Wandering (5-14-2024) – Suffer less, Advice for the outdoors, How to make sink cleaning fun, New favorite song

  1. Suffer less
  2. Advice for the outdoors
  3. How to make sink cleaning fun
  4. New fav song

Enoughering of the suffering

Delayed gratification might work for success but not happiness

I was thinking about this the other day. I’ve always delayed delayed delayed in the delusion that one day I’d be ‘Happy’. And then I realized that was the dumbest perspective I could ever have. Have to be happy now.

Advice in the Outdoors

‘I prefer to take risks that rely on skill rather than chances that rely on luck’
Source: Unknown

After reading Kiss or Kill, I had a much more respect for the dangers of the elements (dude has some crazy climbing stories). Shortly after, I heard this saying and it helped conceptualize. Take risks not chances.

Tips on how to clean your nasty sink

With friends…
I hate chores. I also hate work a lot of the time.
But I noticed when I do unenjoyable chores with friends they become somewhat enjoyable.

Kitchen cleaning. House cleaning. Even teeth cleaning.

My New Favorite Song

Alone in the Mountains by Goth Babe

Jesus this hits hard. Dude just graduated and started living out of a camper. He’s living the dream now, and this song is awesome.


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