Week 70 Wanderings (3-19-24) – Managing the confusion of our lives

  1. Artistic Obligations
  2. Quote – Everyone’s just trying their best
  3. Destruction and Creation
  4. Quote – Changing stress per the scope

Thought experiment with art

Should we create art on the chance that it helps others?

Music especially, but other forms of art as well, have a way of comprehending our experiences for both ourselves as well as other people. It makes our lives make a little more sense and if nothing else allows an emotional release.

I thoroughly enjoy the language, using it to explain and understand life in my own chaotic brain. It seems to make things make sense, as different types of art do.

The same way we consume art to understand our own emotions, do you think we have an obligation to create our own art to help others?

Nobody Knows What They’re Doing

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”

  • Winston Churchill

Our brains demand chaos and construction

Destruction and Creation by Colonel John Boyd

The human mind demands difficulty and chaos and ideas and then it somehow figures out a way to make fold them up nice and neatly in a usable format… and then it uses those nuggets to build up the next idea. This spirals deeper and deeper until it is too confusing again… and so it sorts these thoughts out and on the cycle goes.

A buddy recommended this 8 page paper written by some super smart guy in the Air Force. Turns out the guy was an asshole, and the paper is super technical and a bit difficult to read, but it’s a super fascinating way of thinking about our thinking.

Changing stress per the scope

“If you want to change the way the world works, change your corner of the world”
Source: Unknown

Gives me major Make Your Bed vibes, though.

Helps put our work in to perspective. Seems like we want to help everyone all at once all at the same time. I guess you gotta start small though.


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