#43 Let Me Live so I’ll Know I’ve Died – A Poem

Milky Way in Northern Nevada
On a Truck Somewhere in Nevada with my roommate

Invite me so I can choose not to go,
But kick me out so I don’t have to leave.

Wait for me so I know you care,
But leave me so I don’t think it’s too much.

Tell me you love me so I don’t have to worry,
But fuck me so I don’t have show it.

Yell so that I’m angry enough to feel,
But not so loud that you drive me insane.

Take my breath so that I can get it back,
And let me suffer so that I know peace.

Outcast me so I know what it’s like to play a Part,
Then include me so I can play mine.

Give me the choice so I know it’s mine,
But choose for me so I can stay undecided.

Worship me so I know what it’s like to be God,
But humble me so that I come back down to Earth.

Make me laugh so hard that I cry,
Then care for me so much that I laugh.

Draw the line so I know rules exist,
But blur them so I know they can be broken.

Let me sleep so I experience the end,
But wake me so that I know I’m not there yet.

Let it rain outside so the fireplace feels warm,
But make it so hot so I have to go back outside.

Break me in to a million, so that I know peace.
Piece me back together, so that I can be at ease.

Let the waves roll in so that I can ride,
But bring the boulders so I’m not taken by the tide.

Let me climb the mountain so I can see the valley,
But put me in the valley so I can see just how high.

Let the lights flicker so I don’t take them for granted,
But leave them on long enough for me to find some answers.

Pave a path so that I know it can be done,
But not so well that I can’t pave my own.

Let me live so that I know I’ve died,
Let me be free or I’ll lose my mind.





3 responses to “#43 Let Me Live so I’ll Know I’ve Died – A Poem”

  1. […] Let me be terrified of the leap so that it means something when I take it anyways. […]

  2. […] thoroughly enjoy the language, using it to explain and understand life in my own chaotic brain. It seems to make things make […]

  3. […] a moment in geological time. And yet our lives feel like they will carry on forever. It’s the dichotomy of Life. All at once and also painfully […]

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