Week 65 Wanderings (2-6-23)

  1. $100 Advice from the ole’ Ben Frankl
  2. 100 Seconds of Visuals
  3. Tip for Sleep
  4. Sad/inspirational music

$100 Advice – Ben Frank

"By improving yourself, the world is made better. Be not afraid of growing too slowly. Be afraid only of standing still"
  • Ben Franklin

Sometimes I get impatient. I want what I want now. But I find it so difficult to actually slow down and be okay with the progress being made in the here and now. So difficult that sometimes I get anxious about the future, worried about what will come.|

But I realize that it’ll come when it comes, you can’t rush it so why try?

100 Second Advice – Jason Selk

A summary for when 100 seconds is too much:

  • Visualize and feel Life in 5 years in the 3 most important areas of life
  • Visualize how the day is going to go before you live it

100 Seconds ’til Success

Albeit, quite cheesy, I tried this habit daily for a month and it made a larger impact than I expected. It helped me orient my day and future to be more forward thinking. It was tough to do at the beginning, but now when I do it, it feels like second nature.

Sleep Tip No. 1

Waking up at the same time every day.

It was Monday when I wrote this when I woke up. I feel like I got hit by a brick wall with wings.

Saturday: 8 am
Sunday: 10 am
Today: 5 am…brick wall.

It’s all over the place and I felt like shit as a result. Pretty sure biologically we’re supposed to wake up with the sun.

I haven’t read his book, but Matthew Walker is the sleep wizard and his MasterClass was phenomenal and I want less people to feel like collisions with brick walls. He talks about the concept of ‘Wake times’ from a much more scientific POV and much less… bricky.

A Song that may or may not have made me cry

Otherside by Macklemore

This song has been noodling around in my brain for a little while now. It just resurfaced after a couple years in dormancy. This song and it’s music video are one of the very few that have made me tear up. He talks about his struggles with drug addiction and the raw emotion associated with it in a surprisingly upbeat and fun song to listen to.

Raw emotion buried beneath incredible delivery. People that can deliver incredibly dark or taboo topics in a way to makes people excited to listen to the story have mastered a craft.


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