Week 64 Wanderings (1-30-24) – Nostalgic Song, Podcast on drugs and anthropology, Unexpected wisdom from Drake, Philosophy from a painter

  1. A new-old-nostalgic song
  2. Cool podcast about humans, culture, drugs, and philosophy
  3. Some rapper wisdom
  4. A podcast about a painter and his philosophy

A Song Rediscovered

Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

I listened to this song for maybe 25 minutes straight. Stumbled upon it from some Twitter thread after first hearing it years ago. The lyrics hit way harder this time around. Cool ass story and so sad at the same time. That’s music for the soul right there.

Anthropologic Podcast

“Be patient, never compromise, give your destiny time to find you. Bitterness always comes to those who look back on a life of choices imposed upon you from the outside. You may not make all the right decisions but if you own those decisions, they all become the right ones”

Thought this was a cool take on life. Personally I find it so dang easy to get caught up in the ‘could be’s’ that I sometimes forget to enjoy the ‘Nows’.

Unexpected Place for Wisdom

“I know a girl whose one goal was to visit Rome
Then she finally got to Rome and all she did was post pictures for people at home
‘Cause all that mattered was impressin’ everybody she’s known”

“They always ask, ‘Why let the story run if it’s false?’
You know a wise man once said nothin at all”

Emotionless by Drake

The song goes on to highlight insecurities and shortcomings of different people in different pockets of society. I always find it cool to find stories in songs that make you reflect on your own life. And it’s uhhh Drake… so not necessarily the most philosophical of chaps whose work I’ve stumbled across.

A Thought I’m Thinking About

“Money and sex are just video games”

I’d never heard about David Choe before stumbling upon him in this 3 hour podcast (courtesy of my buddy Josh) – dude talks about his experiences in life and trying to live a fulfilling life. As a troubled soul, he expresses himself through painting, music, acting, and dialogue.

One of the wildest stories I’ve listened to and wierdly sad. I cannot recommend enough if you spend any time contemplating life – The episode gets pretty vulgar, fair warning.


2 responses to “Week 64 Wanderings (1-30-24) – Nostalgic Song, Podcast on drugs and anthropology, Unexpected wisdom from Drake, Philosophy from a painter”

  1. Lily Swope Avatar
    Lily Swope

    Yeah but have you heard the Fast Car cover by Luke Combs? I’m not a big country music person but Luke is obsessed with this he makes me listen to it over and over.

    Miss you Dougie xoxo

    1. colindouglas000 Avatar

      Oh I have now. Ew, that cover of Fast Car? Gross. The OG way better


      You cutting peoples’ brains open yet?

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