Week 62 Wanderings (1-16-2024)

  1. Reverse Financial Advice
  2. Life Perspective
  3. Words, Words, Words
  4. Beautiful Lyricism

Ideas from Die With Zero

Concept: ‘Peak Net Worth’ – Retire before retirement

Bill Perkins introduces this idea of Peak Net Worth. He argues that any amount of money we die with can be directly translated to hours worked with no return on investment. Even if we enjoy our jobs (which let’s be honest) that money can be spent to derive enjoyment while living.

If we wait too long to spend down our money we might be unable to fully enjoy the money. Usually, sometime around 45-60, we should hit our Peak Net Worth and start spending our money down. This allows us to make full use of the money we’ve earned, maximizing life experiences before DEATH.

He suggests setting a date rather than a number, because it’s way too easy to keep increasing the number. Interesting point and a great read.

Perspective on Life

“We’re aware not of our consciousness but as it”

This is bananas to think about. How in the hell are we conscious of our own consciousness as our own consciousness? Aware of self? Aware that we exist? But we’re aware as if we aren’t ourselves… but we are ourselves.

If you can make sense of the human brain I would love to speak with you.

A Boss’s Boss

“Words mean things”

The differences in meaning behind ‘furious’, ‘resentful’, and ‘exasperated’. They’re all a variant of ‘anger’, but have substantially different meanings. The intricacy’s and nuances of the English language to me are fascinating.

3 more examples, courtesy of AI:

  • Eager vs Anxious – Eager or Anxious to start
  • House vs Home – A subtle, but obvious one
  • Costly vs Expensive – Expensive denotes a high price while costly explains the financial impact

If we’re careful with our connotations we can craft crazy meanings in our conversations.

Lyrical Poetry on My Mind

Reminiscent of last weeks newsletter, Kendrick Lamar is another incredible lyricist whose mind moves the soul. His story telling and ability to put you in to his life story is incredible. It makes you think.

Father Time in particular has been on my mind lately

“Learn shit about being a man and disguising it as being gangsta”

He somehow encapsulates most of humanity in that single sentence. Outlash. Backlash. The inner demons. Childhood trauma. Insecurites. We’ve all got them, but the hard part is chanelling them into something useful.

2 other incredible stories by Kendrick:
The Art of Peer Pressure
m.A.A.d city


One response to “Week 62 Wanderings (1-16-2024)”

  1. […] the theme from the previous 2 newsletters, I am really internalizing the idea that music has a tremendous impact on how we […]

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