Week 60 Wanderings (1-2-23)

Happy New Years! (belated)

Enjoy some thoughts going in to the New Years, maybe they’ll make our 2024s just a bit more memorable.

  1. New Year’s Motivation
  2. Some New Year’s Direction
  3. A Thought for some Guidance
  4. Most importantly, New Year’s Sustainability

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Some New Year’s Motivation

“If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the night will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is”

  • Charles Bukowski, Factotum (haven’t read)
  • Originally found Farnam Street (good ass ideas)

    Legendary Jiu Jitsu coach John Danaher had a similar sentiment that went something like this ‘If you’re going to bother trying to get good at something, you’re wasting your time unless you’re working to be the absolute best.’

A Thought for Some New Year’s Direction

What do you want to be remembered for at your funeral?

Death has a funny way of putting our tiny precious lives back in to perspective.

Its a weird and difficult thing to do, but each time I remind myself of my own death it makes me appreciate my current life even more. It forces me to question if the path I’m on is one that I WANT to be on.

Once you start with an end goal of your legacy, it begs the question ‘what do I have to do on the daily to get there?’ which in turn naturally frames our lives.

I put some of my deeper thoughts in an article I wrote a few months back if you’re interested – Change Your Downloaded Path

More New Years Direction

“You retire on your memories”

Bill Perkins’s Die With Zero talks about how memories are even more valuable later in life. When we’re old and frail and dying we still have our memories to fall back on. We’ve got to make those memories worth reliving.

We get to experience each experience once, and then we get to experience the joy each and every time we think of the memory. Incredible. The Memory Dividend.

Some New Years Sustainability

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  1. James Clear’s Newsletter these are from
  2. More Visuals here.
  3. James Clear Blog
  4. His book (full disclosure haven’t read, but based off all the information and value he provides I have no doubt it will be a beneficial read)

We dream and dream and dream… but dreaming doesn’t do anything for you without the systems to create them. Time keeps passing, and so without the action, the dreams are futile.





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