This week:
- Sad song
- Happy quote
- Internet advice
- A Guiding Principle

A Song on Repeat
Sun to Me by Zach Bryan
Zach Bryan’s songs are raw and genuine.
You can’t not be captivated by his stories.
Fav lyrics from the song:
“And I remember being younger and my mother told me the truth,
Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you,
Take heed when things get hard and don’t you ever turn around,
You’ll find someone, someday, somewhere that grows you to the clouds”
Top Tier Quote
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
- Martin Luther King Junior
Advice From Someone I’ve Never Met

Reposted by Austin Kleon – His books.
Advice from Jaron Lanier

Interesting Idea I’m Pondering
‘Looking at your idols can give you insight to what your values are’
Innovators. Creatives. Artists. Leaders. Musicians. Comedians. Path pavers. Rebels. Fighters.
I look up to people in each of these categories. It wasn’t until I sat and thought about it that I understood the goals I was shooting for and who I wanted to become.
Consciously figure out your idols so you can figure out what you want from your life.
From Episode #668 on the Tim Ferriss Show with Derek Sivers.
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