#35 Whom Do You Serve, Peasant

Who the hell are you creating for?

Who are you building for?

Who are you helping?

For me, it’s for me, but I do it for you.

It’s the reason I have to edit. It’s the reason I review and edit and sharpen. I’ve got 100s of articles written, but most of them are trash. Well, they’re golden, but they’re trash. Incoherent. Incomprehensible. A gold ore stuck inside layers and layers of stone.

They help me rant, vent, articulate, and clarify what the hell I’m even thinking about in my own mind.

But they don’t help you. And if they don’t help you, there’s no reason to share. WHY do I share?

I attempt to share in a manner that is mutually beneficial. I fear the ideas don’t make sense. I fear my ideas are all over the place because, well, my mind is all over the place.

I create and share and edit to help us both. Writing clears my mind and sharing hopefully clears yours. If these words were all mumbo jumbo, if I was speaking another language nothing would be beneficial. But I hope that I can select a series of words that we both find beneficial.

It begs the question…

Who do you create for?

Who are you sharing and creating and expressing for? Do other people benefit?
Have you sculpted your craft to benefit others?
Have you become useful yet?
Is it just for yourself? Fine. Or is there also an audience at stake?

Bake. Draw. Write. Code. Program. Build. Edit.

Who wins? Who is it for?
If you work a normal job who is benefitting from your services?

You get paid because you provide value.
WHOM is that value being provided to?

I encourage you to figure that out. You think you work a job. Wrong. You’re in the service industry.

If you’re a teacher you serve children. You provide thoughts, ideas, a role model, and some direction in life.

If you’re a construction worker you serve your neighbors. You build bridges and roads for your friends and family to utilize. You allow them to spend less time in traffic and more time with their families.

If you’re an interior designer you provide peace of mind. You provide simplicity and peace. You provide a place of comfort and tranquility. You make peoples’ houses homes.

So I’ll ask again…

Whom do you create value for?

Resources for Inspirations





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