Week 54 Wanderings (11-20-23)

Charles Bukowski is a badass

One of the Best Poems I’ve Ever Heard

So You Want to Be a Writer by Charles Bukowski

K, well, not saying much because, well, I don’t really read poetry. Nonetheless, this poem was incredible. I stumbled across this one thanks to Lex Fridman and holy guacamole it’s a goodie.

Fantastic Quote

“The business of life is the acquisition of memories”

Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins

I have yet to finish this book because my mind is still trying to comprehend the points he made in the first chapter. This book substantially increased my relationship with money and helped find a better balance between enjoying it while also saving it.

Andrew Huberman sleep

Facts for Sleep

To fall asleep, your body’s core temperature needs to drop 2-3 degrees Fahrenheit. It gets confusing though because apparently science thought it’d be funny to pull the Uno Reverse on us:

Hot showers lower your core body temperature.

Because your body is fights to maintain equilibrium, the excess heat forces the body to try to cool itself down. Thus, once the heat is removed your body is already naturally cooled off.

This natural cooling is part of the reason post-hottub sleep is so incredible… you are scientifically getting better sleep.

More info.

Goodie Quote I Describe Regularly

“Thoughts disentangle themselves through the lips and the fingertips”

(More info on Don McMinn’s blog)

Personally, writing has been a fantastic form of both exploration and expression. It offers clarity when my mind is racing a mile a minute, forcing me to slow down and dissect the actual thoughts.

It puts mental abstractions into words and leaves me with a clear picture of the thoughts I’m actually thinking. This forces me to question those thoughts, considering if they’re actually accurate.

In a similar fashion, spoken dialogue offers a similar clarity. Something about putting the ether of our minds into palatable language forces a clearer picture. We speak ourselves in to under standing.

Conversation, it’s good stuff.





2 responses to “Week 54 Wanderings (11-20-23)”

  1. Sofia Avatar

    Bukowski is fucking lit. His poems always read so effortlessly. If you haven’t read anything else by him you totally should. I mean that’s just my opinion. Do what you will. “Love is a Dog From Hell” has some good poems, as does “You Get So Alone Sometimes it Just Makes Sense.” He was an admirer of the works of John Fante and even wrote a later foreword to Fante’s book “Ask the Dusk.”Such a good read, the ending remains so vivid in my mind, and to this day is one of my favorite books ever written.

    Since you shared a quote, I thought I’d give you one in return:

    “Somebody asked me: “What do you do? How do you write, create?” You don’t, I told them. You don’t try. That’s very important: not to try, either for Cadillacs, creation or immortality. You wait, and if nothing happens, you wait some more. It’s like a bug high on the wall. You wait for it to come to you. When it gets close enough you reach out, slap out and kill it. Or if you like its looks, you make a pet out of it.”
    – Charles Bukowski

    1. colindouglas000 Avatar

      Yes! Sofia! Nice!

      First off, never heard that quote before, love it, thank u. Echoes his own words words “unless it comes out of
      your soul like a rocket,
      unless being still would
      drive you to madness or
      suicide or murder,
      don’t do it.”

      Never heard of this orange Fanta dude, will have to check his stuff out. Ohh those are whole ass books that you’re sharing. Dang, I’ll have to check em out. It’s so much easier to read audio books but with language as real as this stuff sometimes it makes me want to physically read the words… get my own interpretation. Otherwise someone else is dictating tone and Idk if that does these dudes justice. A book of poems too, that doesn’t seem like something you can just sit down and cook through, gotta be so damn dense

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