Week 51 Wanderings (10-30-2023)

Potentially Shocking

Breakfast maybe isn’t the most important meal of the day :0

I’m curious if this is a common belief or really just a phrase that’s used. Regardless, I hope this article offers some insight.

Full article written by The Guardian here

Some Therapeutical Insight into Online Dating and Relationship Persistence

Emma Chamberlain interviews Lori Gottlieb (9 minutes)

Reflect-ercise of the Week

“Write down what your strengths are and how if used in excess can lead to your greatest weaknesses”

Can’t remember where I heard this, but I found it interesting. Gives insights into what we do well, but also how too much of a good thing can be bad.

Personal Example: I’m pretty damn good at being true and authentic. Going overboard, though, I’ve found the words I say can be seriously damaging. I’ve learned there is a time and a place and you have to pick your battles. It’s not helpful to perpetually shut people down and tell them they’re wrong.

Tame Impala
A Banger I’m Listening To

Is It True (4 mins)

  • Tame Impala

An Interesting Take on AI

This article was written by John Warner at the end of 2022. It is some thoughts about AI taking over writing for people, in our daily lives and in a classroom settings.

Rest of the article here.


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