Week 46 Wanderings (9-18-23)

A Fun Fact

There’s an estimated only 5-6 chemists that provide the entirety of world’s LSD supply. I don’t know if you know… but people like drugs. That’s a lot of drugs. That’s not a lot of drug makers

Heard this originally from Mariana von Zeller, a journalist who learns about and explains the intricacies of various black markets. She’s got her own show on National Geographic! (How I found out about her here)

Some Life Advice

“Make mistakes. Be embarrassed. Create a giant mess so you have something to improve. And when you feel lost, repeat the process.”
Dan Koe

^ Permission to be wrong. Sometimes we need to be told that it’s alright to fail a little bit. Life goes on. We’ll live, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

An Idea from a Writer

“If you can’t be additive as a leader, you’re just like a potted plant in the corner of a hotel lobby, you look pretty but you’re not adding any substance to the organization’s mission”

  • Jim Mattis

Dude, Facts. Do something. Add something to this world. But add something beneficial, not just a biased opinion pls ๐Ÿ˜‰

A New Addition to My Fridge


I found it wandering the isles of the grocery store. It’s tasty ๐Ÿ™‚





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