Written: 5-30-23
Published: Sometime in September ’23

Weekly Wanderings
It’s been over a month since last Newsletter. Honestly just been so busy life-ing. Weekends have been packed and weekdays even packed-er. That’s the best kind of busy, right? Still trying to figure out a schedule that’ll work, now that I’m not working Night Shifts anymore (thank Mama Jesus)
Anyways, fun thing from the past month:
Bouldering! My roommate got roped into this mini rock-climbing community that bouldered outdoors in Red Rocks. By the associative property, I was roped in. It was fun meeting these randos and doing these little hangout sesh’es in the middle of the week.
I mentioned it earlier, but it continues to blow my mind that you can just walk up to people if you want to make friends.
The climbing group started because some girl wanted to go climbing, so she just walked up to a couple people in the climbing gym and boom the group was founded.
“Hey you, want to have a conversation?”
Boom, you have a conversation.

Most people are willing to meet new people, they just don’t reach out to strangers because what’s unknown is spooky. Turns out though, both people usually benefit.
It was sad the whole climbing group left Vegas, but it was a fun month of meeting new people and saying yes to new things.
Bonus: Got to meet a man who real life lives under a rock.
Bonus-Bonus: Last weekend was spent driving 7 hours.

This podcast is 33 minutes long and hosts James Nestor, the guy who wrote the book Breath. Phenomenal book by the way. I listened to the 8 hours long audiobook last summer and it fundamentally changed how I breathe…yeah, like breathe. Like, every day. Wild. I figured this podcast wouldn’t be anything new, but I just listened to those 33 minutes and it was a great reminder.
It’s got some surprising tips on how to simultaneously be less stressed, increase your mile time, and tips on how to not snore…?! Wild, stuff. They’ve got it all. Highly recommend. Transformative.
A Juicy Quote
“The more the give to yourself the more you can ask of yourself”
-No Clue
My good buddy Rex told me this once upon a time. No clue where he dug it up from, but it’s stuck with me ever since. If you’re ruthless to yourself and always demand more… you won’t be all that satisfied. It’s a weird b Cut yourself some slack. Enjoy life. You don’t always have to grind. Still working on internalizing it myself.

Perhaps the Best Article I’ve Ever Read
Top Five Regrets From the Dying by Bronnie Ware
There’s no way I could do this article justice by summarizing it. Likely the best 3 minutes you’ll spend this whole week.
Bronnie Ware was a nurse taking care of patients on their deathbed where she would talk and take care of them. She distilled all their regrets into 5 of the most ones. Incredible. (She has a book too, that you can read)
What Is This ‘Newsletter’?
The goal is to ultimately stay more involved with people in my life. The hope is if I’m able to share bits and pieces of my life and things I find, other people will share theirs, and the result will be just lil’ bitty community that feeds off each others’ discoveries. I’m hoping by sharing things, we all find it can contribute to a happier, more interesting, spontaneous, and exciting lifestyle.
I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas so if you’ve got them, join the community and comment them in the Discussion Board at the end of each post!
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