First Written: 13-Jun-2023 | Tue 08:29
Time to Read: 4 Minutes

Does nobody fucking listen anymore?
Final Answer: No, they don’t.
They never did.
Just a bunch of god damn chimpanzees. Allllll running around screeching at each other.
Shut the fuck up & listen.
That’s it.
That’s all you have to do.
Stop talking about yourself and your new brown chihuahua and ‘oohhh it’s cute floppy ears’. Nobody gives a fuck.
Stop talking.
Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.
And after that?
Continue to shut the fuck up.
That’s all you have to do. Nobody cares about your precious little cucumbers or how long you had to wait in the airport for your flight to Kansas City.
Your life is not interesting.
Pause for a moment. You think it is?
You’re part of the damn problem. Stop talking about your life. Nobody gives a fuck.
Even if it is interesting… I got something for you.
Shut the fuck up.
You think your life sucks and want to complain about it? Great. Shut the fuck up.
It’s really pretty simple. That’s all you have to do. Just shut the fuck up.
Nobody wants to hear it. Nobody wants to listen to what you have to say. Nobody gives a fuck.
Because everybody else also won’t shut the fuck up.
A herd, or whatever they call ’em these days, of chickens running around screaming with their heads cut off.
Nobody listening. Nobody even stops to ponder the goddamn words coming out of each others’ mouths. They don’t. They just queue up what next they’re going to say so that they can vomit it all over your face.
Me me me.
Nobody listens. Nobody actually listens. They hear you, but they don’t listen.
Everyone’s just an overgrown 8th grader waiting for the attention that they never got enough of. ME ME ME.
How many times does it have to be said? I’ll say it once more.
You are not significant.
So shut the fuck up.
Stop acting like you are significant. Go read some history. Learn about space. You live on a floating rock. Start acting like it.
Everything you’ve ever learned, heard, seen or said. Insignificant.
Everyone you know. Insignificant.
Every piece of history you know. Insignificant.
It’s all going to end. We’re all going to die. 100 years, max.
Observe your insignificance. Internalize it. Absorb it.
And then shut the fuck up.
Have some peace and quiet for once. Internalize just how futile your precious little life really is.

Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash
Appreciate your insignificance.
And then shut the fuck up.
You keep saying words. You’re making sounds. But they don’t mean anything.
Read a book. Learn something. Become aware.
And then continue to stop talking. For my sake. For your sake. Please.
Baby birds, helpless, all crying out for help, craving attention.
Gimme gimme gimme.
God damn. Don’t you get annoyed hearing yourself talk? No, of course, you don’t. Of course, you don’t.
Please just shut the fuck up.
If not for yourself, do it for somebody else, then. For the sanity of people around you.
Just liiisstteeeennnnn. Listen! You’ve got 2 ears and 1 mouth. Use ’em accordingly.
You’ve got this overamplified ego; thinking you’re better than everybody. Here’s a secret: Everybody else does too.
Here’s another secret:
Everybody can’t be better than everybody. Ever thought that you don’t actually matter? Ever thought that what you have to say, nobody actually cares? Perhaps has it crossed you’re mind that you aren’t the main character; you’re just a side piece that’s barely used.
Replaceable would be the word.
Another secret?
You are insignificant.
So shut the fuck up.
Please, for the love of all things peaceful.
I dare you. And I beg you.
For one day. That’s all. Just one day. Don’t talk about yourself. Just shut the fuck up and listen. A singular, simple, day. Just one out of the thousands you hopefully won’t live.
No stories. No facts. No advice. Just fucking listen. See what happens. I promise you that you’ll see that everybody else doing it:
Talking about themselves. Not a care in the world. Just regurgitating information. Not thinking. Parrots. Mindless little dumpster fires of irrelevant information that’s been accumulated over years and years of dumpster diving, all the while you thought it was relevant.
Nobody will just shut the fuck up.
So please, I’m begging you.
Please just shut the fuck up.
I want you to listen to me instead.
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