#28 Silence: Are You Sweet or Savory?

How to live a better life
Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

Silence. Sweet and Sexy Silence.

Learn to wield the Blade of Silence and she works for you but shy away, afraid to confront head on, and Silence becomes a toxic trap waiting to strike.

Learn to use the silence.

There’s so much going on. Always. So much chaos and stimulation. Buzzing, breaking, building, bunching, munching, humming, numbing, nabbing, snapping, slipping, smacking, cracking, crunching.


Can we just relax for a minute? Chill out for just a minute?

Can we have some peace and quiet please?

Overstimulated, always.

Before the day starts, just give me this morning. Just give me a few moments of calm before the storm ensues.

Feels so silly to talk about, so silly to write an entire article. But we’re so caught up in the hustle and bustle, the alerts, the noises, the stimulation. We’re so worried about the comparison game, what people are doing, where they’re going, what’s happening. The perpetual feeling of Left Out looms. So we try to solve with distractions. Just keep my mind moving and it won’t be concerned with what’s happening.

Can we just pause, please? For a few moments?

A few days ago my good buddy from college called and reminded me of one of the most significant ways we’re missing out on life:

Savor it.

We’re so busy, moving all the time, from A to B to C. Our physical bodies are so busy all the time that it starts to seep into our mental. We feel the need to always be moving. Everything around us is telling us, shouting at us to keep moving.


Savor it.

Stop moving. Start experiencing. Think. Don’t think. But DO experience. Appreciate and enjoy.

That moment you exist in… the one you’re in right now…the most current moment in time of history ever… THIS moment… feel it.

Take a moment to enjoy it.

Pause for a minute and appreciate. Soak it all in.

I’m patient, I’ll wait.

The air you breath. The chair you feel. The food you taste. Your socks, pants, colors, sounds, smells. All of it.

Take a moment for it to settle in.

Savor it.

Somehow it feels like forget about our own existence. Fuck that.

Focus on what you’re doing. You. Nobody else. Soak it in. Savor it.

We worry about The Next. Nah.

The Now.

What are we doing? Enjoy that.

We can’t enjoy anyone else’s life so we might as well enjoy ours.

Focus on the now and savor it.

Savor it.


Savor this moment.

Savor it.

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