#29 Dreams and Drugs

Read Time: 3 minutes
First Written: 25-May-2023

Dream like Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Dude this dreaming thing?
Crack… Yeah, like Crack Cocaine.

I mean I’ve never done Crack Cocaine, but if I did I’m pretty sure it’d feel like something else:


Dude dreaming is sooo good. Like sooo good. Addicting… without the, ya know, Crack part.

Everything you’ve ever wanted. Right there at your fingertips. Even better than fingertips though, it’s at the edge of your mind, your consciousness.

That’s it, the edge of your consciousness.

It’s where your deepest desires lay.

Existing, but not fully tangible. Present in feelings and whiff’s of them, but not quite articulated.

We usually don’t quite know that they’re there.

But if you take a minute to just THINK… or rather dream… those wants, goals, and wishes start materializing.

That brain that we all have? Turns out when you stop cramming it full of bullshit it comes up with some pretty neat stuff.

You don’t even have to get up from where you’re sitting. You just let your brain start drifting and boom, you’re dreaming!

Intoxication with no additional effort. An incendiary experience.
You literally don’t even have to move.

How to Dream

Step 1:
Don’t do anything.

Step 2:
Stare at the wall.

Step 3:
Keep not doing anything.

Congrats, you’re dreaming!

Teleported to another universe. In minutes.

Oh, and you want some motivation to dream?

You know Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?
Because of dreaming.

Sir Isaac Newton’s grasp on Gravity?
Because of dreaming.

Turns out they both just did nothing for a really long time and then eventually?
Boom, theories enter the mind.

Ok maybe we won’t come up with theories of the Universe, but daydream for long enough and I promise you’ll come up with a handful of ways to improve your own life.

The random thoughts of the day start to melt away and you enter this blissful universe of dreams and desires. Do it long enough and you start to figure out how to make those dreams a reality.

More Famous People and Their Dreams
Photo by Axel Antas-Bergkvist on Unsplash

Jim Carrey dreamed that he’d make $10 million in 10 years.

He wrote himself a check and dated it 10 years in the future. 10 years. Guess what the hell happened?

I can tell you that didn’t make $9 million.

Growing up, Kanye West rehearsed his Grammy speech on his way to the bus, years in advance. Years. That’s damn near fortune-telling. For yourself.

Love him or hate him, the power of The Dream can’t be denied.

Dude, dreams go crazy.

I mean if you’re a lazy sack of shit and you never actually change your life… well, dreams won’t actually change your life. They just stay, sorta… dreams.

Somewhere along the way you’ve got to actually act out your dreams, but hey, you’ve got to start somewhere!

If you take no action, dreams stay, well, dreams. The Dream World and Real World forever running parallel, destined to stay alternate realities.

Every time you dream, though, you hop between the 2 realities.

Real World.
Dream World.
Real World.
Dream World.

Real World.
Dream World.

The Dream World and the Real World. Slowly combining and converging… until one day, they overlap.


I guess that’s what they mean when they say ‘Living the Dream’.

If you just keep dreaming and then keep working towards those dreams, and don’t stop, eventually they become reality… so I’m told at least.

Dream Reality converging with Present Reality. A remarkable masterpiece.

Maybe they won’t collide perfectly. I imagine there are likely some issues with that, some hiccups if you will. They’ll never quite be exactly the same. That’s part of the fun of the journey of life – the unpredictability.

But I do know, they’ll NEVER converge if we never dream up a Dream World in the first place.

Dream up your own damn Dream World. For the love of Dreamsus, daydream a little bit.

It’s time to create your ideal future.

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