(3- 13-23)

This Week’s Adventures
Ok ok. Happy March! As you’ll note, I missed last week’s Newsletter. Wow, life has been a lot recently. Big update – I moved to Las Vegas! Sin City, woop woop.
Not the ideal place to live, right? Possibly. But I’m also starting to realize that a city as big as Vegas is full of opportunity and possibility. The sheer volume of people that are packed in and the variety of lifestyles, expertise, hobbies, and interests that come with that are insane.
The right people are out there, you just have to find them.

An Inspiration
This bald headed New Zealander philosopher moved back to the Americas early 1990s and revolutionized the sport of Jiu Jitsu as the world knows it.
What’s even crazier is he has made the entirety of his discoveries publicly available. That’s basically like having a Bill Gates showing you step by step exactly how he created Microsoft, available for people to replicate and modify. Pretty incredible. The entire sport is only 30 years young in America and is a blatant reminder at how young our actual society is.

A Song I’ve Been Listening To
The World’s Smallest Violin by AJR
Recent Personal Goal
Distance self from the need for approval from others.
Sometimes it’s ok to be… selfish? It’s easier said than done, I’ve found. As humans, we’re hardwired to belong to a group. We want to feel like we belong. Conflict tends to be an unnatural thing for most people. But if you’re only doing things for others, what’s even the point? When do you start to do things for yourself?
A Quote Inline
“If you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything”
Not sure
The most influential people in history have pissed off some seriously important people. Learn from the best I guess?
What Is This ‘Newsletter’?
Apparently, people care (mostly just my mom) so this newsletter serves to ensure I can stay more involved with people in my life. The hope is if I’m able to share bits and pieces of my life, other people will share theirs, and the result will be a far more interconnected community. So if you would like to hear more (or less), just ask!
The other piece of this newsletter will be to share interesting podcasts, songs, facts, or other pieces of information that had an impact on me in the hopes that they’ll be interesting or useful to someone else out there!
Also, I would love to hear from you so please respond and send some pictures!
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