First Written: 23-Feb-2023 | Thu

That’s my goal.
Spend more money.
No, I don’t make more money. No major lifestyle changes happened. But yes, I want to actively burn more cash.
I just got off the phone with my buddy T that I’ve know since I was 6.
“If that $6,000 boat that I bought when I was 22 keeps me working 3 years longer, I don’t really give a shit! If it keeps me from making 10 million dollars when I’m 50 years old… I DONT REALLY GIVE A SHIT DUDE!”
3 years!
We don’t always give each other the best advice (ha!) but this time it hit:
He didn’t care!
He said it with such sincerity and such conviction that I’m about to go out and buy a boat right freaking now dude!
We had been talking about saving money and retirement and investments etc. I consider myself relatively financially savvy and follow several blogs and research investments and what not. (2 Sides of Fi and Mr. Money Mustache are both pretty good).
But you end up with two polarizing ideas – Save all your money and never spend a dime until you’re 40 and Financially Independent or just save 10% of your money and retire comfortably at 65).
One you save, one you spend. With both philosophies you should be retired fairly comfortably by the ‘retirement age’ 62.5
Neither of those sound too ideal. I want to retire at 30 and also spend my money now… yeah, there’s not really a solution.
Anyways, so I’m venting these money frustrations to my buddy and his philosophy?
What’s the Solution??
“Spend money on an experience!”
Ok. Well, that’s both of our philosophies. He’s just a little more willing to use his money to do so. He continued on:
“Dude last summer when you called me up and asked if I wanted to go to Iceland? Dude it was $1,000 – I almost didn’t to go. But we ended up going and that thousand dollars is the best money I’ve spent in my entire life”
Holy smokes. He was right.
I looked at all the experiences I’ve splurged on – A plane ticket. Trying new things. Tasting new foods. Experiencing something different – They were almost all worth it.
T continued – “If those $3000 that you spend on a dirt bike make it so you can’t retire then you built your financial foundation on something shitty. Dude, $3000 isn’t going to derail your life – buy the dirt bike”
I have a stable income. I make enough to live off of. I budget. I save and I invest. I was going to live.
It was what I needed.

Cover Your Necessities, Then Figure Out What Lights Your Soul on Fire
Money is just a tool. Sometimes that tool needs to be put towards enjoyment to.
At times I can be a bit…. stingy. I’ll skimp out on things even when they can bring joy. T showed me that sometimes it’s good to splurge on yourself a bit.
I know you’re supposed to be responsible and whatnot, but money is also made to be spent. If you’re frugal to the point of not enjoying your money, well what’s the point of being financially independent later? You’re enslaving yourself now!
The whole point is to be free earlier on in life… Not enslave yourself earlier on.
BiggerPockets. Mr. Money Moustache. 4 Hour Work Week. 2 Sides of Fi.
They’re all incredible resources and have gotten me to really think about my future and plan the life I want to live in 5, 10, 20 years.
But we’re not living in those years are we? We’re living in the present. We live in the right fucking now. If money can make our lives more enjoyable, sustainably, in the present – Spend it. (The hedonic treadmill doesn’t count as sustainable)
And that’s what my boy Tristan helped me realize.
I’m not here to be a slave. And that includes frugality to the point of limitation.
Be smart. Save 15% of your paycheck. Invest. Don’t buy new cars. Use hand-me-downs. Buy third party. Budget. Plan for retirement. Visualize yourself 10 years down the road you’re currently on. Work a job you like.
Most importantly – enjoy yourself.
Spend money on experiences.
For a more personal touch (and to keep myself accountable) these are things I intend to spend money on in 2023 and 2024:
- A dirt bike
- A mountain bike
- Russ concert
- Guitar
- Keyboard
- Motorcycle
- Slack line
- Bow
Enjoy yourself. Invest in yourself. Invest in experiences. Keep learning. Keep acquiring skills. Keep getting better. And then enjoy yourself some more.
I’ve ben so paranoid with saving money and retiring early that I’ve forgotten to spend money on myself. I’ve forgotten to spend money on exploring hobbies and activities that bring me joy.
So that’s my Resolution for 2023.
Spend more money and time on things that bring me joy.
Maybe you’ll do the same
* Affiliate links may earn a commission but I only recommend products that have benefited me and I hope would do the same 🙂
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