Week 17 Wanderings (2-24-2023)


Right Turn San Fran
Frisco Baby

This Week’s Adventures

Dude. I just drove from Mississippi to Nevada – 34 hours. Painful. But also enlightening.

To be honest, I’ve always been quite the fan of extended road trips. They’ve always been…. peaceful. Introspective. They force you to slow down. You can’t drive any faster and you have to be, well, driving.

Las Vegas Mountains

They force you to think.

I try to use road trips to appreciate different aspects of my life. They cause me to reflect and think about parts of my life that I’m grateful for and parts that I want to be better.

Queue up the audiobooks, podcasts, and music! They’re also a great time to learnnnn.

Possessed in San Francisco

An Oldie but a Goodie

Talib Kweli – I’ve heard this dude referenced by some of the great rappers of present-day (notably Eminem, Kanye, and a few others) and let me say – His album did not disappoint. Catchy. Lyrical. Meaningful. It had it all.

My personal favorite from the album:
Never Been in Love

Some Fun Reads

I wasn’t before, but I am now an avid user of Reddit. I used to be opposed. I would hear the Reddit horror stories – Thought it was just a bunch of stragglers who all got together and made dumb jokes.

…..Ok, well it still is, but holy smokes sometimes they’ve got some good stuff. Life advice. Tips n tricks. Regrets. Chronicles. Reddit has it all. It’s just a website that functions as a repository for any and all ideas and the best ideas get upvoted for all to see. The community is its own filter!

If you want advice on anything… and I mean anything. Start a Google search like normal and then type ‘Reddit’ at the end. It’s literally just massive communities of people trying to figure out this craziness.

Example: Most Ridiculous Facts (Instagram started posting good Reddit threads)

The Stang
The Stang in Texas

All Damn Day

I wish I had the exact clip but there was a video on the musical artist Russ’s Instagram page where he just rants:

“You explain yourself to this person. Then you explain yourself to this person. You spend your whole damn time explaining yourself”

Apparently, if people just get you, you don’t have to feel like you’re drowning in your sentences?

I oftentimes find myself thinking one thing and saying another. My good friends just get me and it was a nice reminder that you don’t have to be understood or explain yourself to people. Just do you. There’s a sense of validation that’s so sweet when it happens.

One of My Fav Songs

Too Deep for the Intro by J. Cole

A juicy lyric from one of his bangers on YouTube.

“If they don’t know your dreams then they can’t shoot ’em down’”

Sometimes I feel that.

What Is This ‘Newsletter’?

Apparently, people care (mostly just my mom) so this newsletter serves to ensure I can stay more involved with people in my life. The hope is if I’m able to share bits and pieces of my life, other people will share theirs, and the result will be a far more interconnected community. So if you would like to hear more (or less), just ask! 

The other piece of this newsletter will be to share interesting podcasts, songs, facts, or other pieces of information that had an impact on me in the hopes that they’ll be interesting or useful to someone else out there!

Also, I would love to hear from you so please respond and send some pictures!





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