
This Week’s Adventures
The environment in our household has really opened my eyes to see just how much the people around you impact you. Ever so slightly, but constantly, the people around you shift your life’s trajectory. For better or for worse it’s worth it to be conscious of. My roomies have inspired me to push even farther outside my comfort zone and push myself harder than I was before.
These past 2 weeks have been quite sobering. The Trap House is coming to an end. The 6 months I spent out in Mississippi were only enjoyable because of the roommates I’ve been with. Now it’s coming to a close. They’re a pretty spectacular crew. Now though? We’re all going to be out on our own. There are few people I’ve met that are as adventurous and down to try things like the 3 roommates I had. The past 6 months have been a trip.

Life Update
Sin City, baby.
It’s official. My job has sentenced me to live the next 3 years in Las Vegas. Certainly not where I expected to end up, but hey, you make it work right? Originally I was pretty bummed out when I found out I’d be living in Vegas, but damn are there a lot of opportunities. New people to meet. New hobbies to pick up. New places to visit. Plus only 20 minutes from an International Airport… oh baby! It was a reminder to forget what you can’t control and focus on what you can.

Good News!
Not an excuse, but certainly some consolation for those of us that get garbage sleep – Per Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s most recent newsletter (whose words I take as law) pointed out a study suggesting that sufficient exercise can offset poor sleep! Wahoo!
For those of us that battle the sleep demons – It’s great news. Excercise and boom, you’ll only lose 10 years of your life instead of the original 20. Silver linings 🙂
Full read here

Stare at the Sun
Ok, more sleep goodies. Apparently staring at the sun is good for you. (Confirmed by neuroscientist Huberman). 15 minutes on a sunny day – Drastically supposed to increase your sleep. So now (when time permits) I sit on our front lawn on a camping chair staring at the sun looking like a complete psycho to our neighbors.
Some other tips I use:
- Limit artificial light from 10pm – 4am (use the Night Light Feature on screens. I have mine set to start automatically at 10pm – my screen limits blue light, turns warm, and I start to feel noticeably sleepy within minutes)
- Same wake times every day (this one is so freaking hard)
- Limit caffeine after noon (Recommended to stop consumption 12-14 before you sleep – Caffeine has a half life of 5-6 hours!)
There’s an extensive list here, but it seems like we get sleep issues and then immediately treat it with melatonin or some other sleep medication. Booooo. The cavemen didn’t have any supplements and they did fine. Our habits are wayyy more beneficial.
Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is one of my go-to’s for sleep advice. Advice here!

A Book I Was Recommended
The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene
On Amazon here!
(affiliate link)
I have not read this book yet but an old coach who I really look up to recommended it to me as his favorite book of all time. Well damn. If it’s anyone’s favorite of all time it’s got to have at least some value, right? I’ve started accumulating a reading list – It’s over 100 books long and grows faster than I can seem to read. Blessing and a curse. There’s infinite knowledge to learn. I guess we’re on a quest to find what hits home the most. Anyways, side tangent. This book is going up on the list.

What Is This ‘Newsletter’?
Apparently, people care (mostly just my mom) so this newsletter serves to ensure I can stay more involved with people in my life. The hope is if I’m able to share bits and pieces of my life, other people will share theirs, and the result will be a far more interconnected community. So if you would like to hear more (or less), just ask!
The other piece of this newsletter will be to share interesting podcasts, songs, facts, or other pieces of information that had an impact on me in the hopes that they’ll be interesting or useful to someone else out there!
Also, I would love to hear from you so please respond and send some pictures!
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