Damn. The first week of the New Year.
This Week’s Adventures
Well shit. It’s already 2023. I’m sending this out a bit later because life’s been such a whirlwind lately. That’s the tricky part about vacations is that they are so short and come so infrequently that you feel obligated to make the most of it… Such pressure sometimes detracts from the vacation, though. Funny isn’t it?
That’s a bit of how the past 2 weeks felt. I visited home for the first time in nearly 2 years, for 4-5 days (what a trip). It was good to be back, but after living in another state for 4 full years, it almost felt like more of my ‘home’ is now away from ‘home’. But then there’s an element of enjoying coming back to what ‘was’, and seeing everyone again, and how so much has changed but also stayed the same. It’s weird.
The whole thing was super crammed. It was just a fire hose trying to see everyone. It was fun, but rushed.
After home, 3 buddies and I went on a road trip starting in Las Vegas, visiting these places:
- Red Rocks, Las Vegas
- Salt Flats in Death Valley
- Climbing in Joshua Tree National Park
- Climbing in Los Angeles
The trouble with a road trip that’s planned on the road is that you never know where you’ll go. It’s part of the fun though. One night we ended up sleeping on the side of the highway XD. Pretty painful, but hey, life goes on. I guess I should start planning more?

A Cool Word I Found
Erudition (noun) – The quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning; scholarship
This word wasn’t that cool, but I’ve just lived on this planet for over 20 years and never heard of it – so it was noteworthy.

A ‘Woah’ Fact
This is something mind-blowing I learned from the book [[Breath]] by James Nester. Unsuspecting at first, I learned about mouth vs nasal breathing and after reading the book am left in awe. I’m also now terrified to breathe through my mouth.
Fun Fact: The more you breathe through your mouth, the more you are training yourself to close your nasal pathways (long term) due to lack of use. That causes ISSUES.
Some more fun facts: Nasal breathing is WAY better for you. Put simply, the mouth is far less proficient at taking in Oxygen, so you end up with less Oxygen in your blood. Yikes…. Plus you lose facial structure by mouth breathing.
Another fun fact: Exclusively breathing through your nose, you can literally run for longer periods of time without getting as tired because you have more oxygen. WTF!
This is no joke. Check out this article/podcast released by NPR.
I could go on and on about this topic, but it’d go on forever, so long that I could probably write a book on it. Oh, wait, James Nester already did that. Check it out, it’s called Breath. FASCINATING book and has genuinely changed how I sleep. It also changed how I breathe. Like right now. It’s different. No joke.
Buy on eBay here
Amazon here
Audible here

What Is This ‘Newsletter’?
The whole point of this ‘weekly newsletter’ is to share bits and pieces of my life that I think could be helpful or interesting to at least one other human on the planet. I’m hoping it’ll be a way to keep in contact with more people in my life, and I’m hoping people will reach out to me if there’s anything that strikes a chord. I love hearing about similarities, differences, questions, comments, and updates from people. That’s the whole point.
Apparently people care (mostly just my mom) about what’s going on, so this is an attempt to reach out to people that have impacted me positively. At the very least I hope it serves to keep more people somewhat included in my life as I’m not always the most proactive with reaching out.
I hope this newsletter keeps people up to date while also sharing interesting and useful things that I’ve found on the internet or from other people earlier in the week.
Hopefully, you’re able to gain something valuable from these newsletters. If not, I suppose that’s why they made the unsubscribe button.
Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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